Hehehehe it is now my pleasure to announce to you that yours truly (read me) has now become a villager!! (This is where you scream…) I see you can’t follow simple instructions eh?
Anyways I would like to thank a few people whom without them I could not have made it this far. First is my role model on this platform the one and only @highschooler.Believe it or not this guy gives me so much motivation and I look up to him every time I am here. Why you ask? This is one dude who comments on every thread, as a matter of fact if create a thread and highschooler doesn’t comment kill yourself! The second person I would like to acknowledge is my parent for continuously and relentlessly replenishing me with data bundles anytime I ran out of them which went a long way in helping me achieve my new status.I also would like to thank God for the current cold weather which has made me skive classes hence have more time for KTALK. Finally to the villagers; my secret crush (I won’t mention any name) I see you boo, the shemales and the other hairy specimen, thank you for your laughs and insights. Lastly the mods. Btw since I am now a villager I think I now qualify to call @ol monk a monkey ama? Hehe IK take it easy monk.
I have made the following resolutions:
With my now bestowed status I promise to be regularly posting my escapades backed up by witnesses, live reporting, HD images, testimonies, foot and thumb prints, hearsay and any other type of evidence required by the villagers so as not to be nominated for the 2015 HOYA Awards.
From now on every time I log in to read the Hekayas that fellow villagers are churning out, I will first enter the Religion, Spiritualism and Philosophy category unlike in the past where Sex and Relationships was my first category.
To my fellow graduate @Mwa congratulations too.
Kind Regards,
Mzee Mzima.
@Deorro how and where do I append my signature on this letter?