These guys are very humble and shy…wewe hapo senji uko na shillingi mbili na mtaa hailalai juu yako
Humble and shy…you must be very gullible… Even wairimu the runner looked like a saint mbele ya media… Na huko shineyeland he was terrorist no1.
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What a subtle way to call us peasants, OP.
Ya huyo wairimu the terrorist.
u mean wanjiru?
you big peasant you are the reason we are spending 3trillion to upgrade u
What’s there to get excited about seeing them live on Citizen TV sitting down while we are used to seeing them live on the pitch doing what makes them famous?
Yep Wanjiru… For a min i forgot his name, just heard of his exploits in the village.
Wacha udaku njoo utembee Nyahururu usikie sifa zake moja kwa moja.He may have been potrayed as a hooligan by the media lakini wema wake ulizidi uovu uliopeperushwa na Vyombo vya habari.Akiwa hajalewa alikuwa humble zaidi.