Watching Banshee season 2
Wacha wenye wanajenga uchumi walale…kuona banshee itanisaidia aje.
Mimi ni mgeni hapa so labda ni kuulizie!
Amesema anawatch Banshee,hajakwambia wewe uone.
He he he lifeist umefika hapa. Nakumbuka u used to take register kila siku Klist. Insomniacs anonymous tuko wengi including Lola na Pamba
Kwangu kumepotea stima na laptop has run out of juice. Sasa niko bed tu counting sheep na kusurf, ju ata phone iko low battery siwezi watch movie, siwezi play game
@agik the journey I took to get here wacha tu! Nimezunguka kama opharn nikitafuta watu wa kijiji then 3 months ago I landed here! Eh waz relieved and am still night running! Kwanza @pamba ndio alikuwa chairman! Lol klist days! RIP wanderi!
Watching Sense8… Not working kesho
Kuzunguka tulizunguka sana. Damn Wanderi (RIP) hakutuacha na plan b. Nilicall lister fulani kumuuliza juu ya Klist ndio akanidirect hapa
Checking reviews za sense8 kwa rottentomatoes na uproxx and they’re apparently not so good. Whats your experience so far? On a scale of 1 to 10?
I had no idea that this or some other sites that av read about here sijui kenyagen hata sija wahi sample existed till one night out of boredom I searched wanderi on FB…shock ndio ilinichapa kuona ma RIP! Then so some comments talking abt kenyatalk, tried signing up without any success bt I could see familiar handles nikajua niko tu sawa![/INDENT]
lazima upewe entry exams na @highschooler
Hakuna hata reception bana!
Mandazi iko ready ngoja kidogo niku warmie chai
Watched up to episode 5, candy crush kiasi kwa bed sasa.
I had someone make the comparison that it’s as slow as game of throwns. …He got a mob justice from GOT fans I kept quiet juu hata mimi GOT ilinishinda, and Web reviews suggest the same thing! My only motivation is that it’s wz shot in Kenya!
The genres a miles apart, this is sci-fi/mystery GOT is epic. If Nairobi wasn’t part of it I could have still watched it. Loosely similar plot to Heroes tv series which I liked.
Ata mimi pia ni mgeni. Nikaribishe priss…
wakin up time check 04:56