I’m busy studying computer packages on a lazy afternoon, I start scanning CCTV endpoints and good lawd I stumble upon a whole load of unsecured home based CCTV, and like the villager that I am, I arrange them according to locations and to my surprise I find the ones located in the master bedrooms. What scares me shitless is that I got here on my raw IP, sikutumia VPN, and the region I’m in, this is above felony. Plan is, save the IPs, install Ubuntu virtual of course, VPN both hosted and local OS, travel some 100kms away, and record these weirdos who insist on having surveillance cameras in their bedrooms. Oh na za Airbnb ni mob pia, crazy world we live in.
Unascan aje?
Whatever you are doing is illegal
So many IPscan tools online, basic ones ni Kama angryip scan, alafu kuna pia some simple pen tests that show you what to exploit and what to ignore. More complex ones cost time.
You’ve stumbled on a gold mine kwanza kama ni huko leafy suburbs $$$$
Za majuu sana sana. Alafu unapata next door neighbor yangu doesn’t know what casting is, they just accept that Cast to TV prompt option and damn fools start projecting everything on my TV. Anytime I see that kaptompt I accept mara iyo iyo. The things I see walai.
Tuoshe.mecho.na zile.nice nice ones
I noticed that once you sync to an endpoint, it’s permanent. One time I was demonstrating to someone how they would connect to their CCTV through an app and ho and behold, it accessed the previously connected DVR. It was hard reset before installing but I was still synced to it.
Later during the day, I tried with another saved IP camera and it connected. CCTVs AREN’T PRIVATE!!!
Proof gani?? Make Google and youtube your friend na kama lazima uweke CCTV,avoid zile za IP…Tumia analogue CCTV
I was having a convoy with a guy who exclaimed Itumbi has access to many CCTVs in Nairobi.
I told him CCTVs are crazy insecure.
He even questioned my IT credentials thinking I was a hacker but it should be basic knowledge, CCTvs and IOT things came with shitty security because those gadgets need to be idiot-friendly, which means they can’t have any form of serious security; otherwise, they will be unusable
So unasema umeona watu waki nyanduana?
Post cant be empty
cost and security are opposing ideals.
Hizo IoTs and Plug n Play ni bure saidi sana