2022 will be worst than 2007 if by elections is anything to go by.
Uhuru has gone against a precedence left by his predecessors; trying to influence 2022 succession politics and with this state machinations i see the country burning down and us going down to another or even worst bloodbath than 2007
We as udas aka hustlers movement tulivow that never again will we ever fight because of politics
Forget it no body is ready to she’d blood for selfish thieves
What is the difference between how police are behaving now and how they were behaving in 2017? Moses Kuria was wanking to images of people getting clobbered and shot at, he even promised to increase the budget for police so they could get more teargas.
Hakuna vita 2022. Nani atapiga nani. We are all united in Hustler nation, all tribes and in all 47 counties. What we have here is the 0.01% with no base or followers afraid of another election loss that again reminds everyone publicly that they don’t have grassroots support. Yaani the youngest party in Kenya is defeating a combined government and opposition parties in areas not deemed its strongholds. They couldn’t even mount a campaign and when they did they couldn’t barely keep up. Lastly they decided open vote buying under the supervision of cops will do. Then after realizing the people ate fare and will still not vote then panic sets in. Now its voting disruption and rigging attempts ongoing.
Two things being done like in kibra and msambweni. Use goons backed by cops to create a charged atmosphere along the polling stations and access roads leading there. This is to create fear and panic causing voters to stay away. Arrest all non favoured parties agents so that the polling stations can be controlled and premarked ballots smuggled in. The only people allowed access in and out repeatedly are IEBC officials, agents and cops. So agents must have eyes and ears on them throughout. 5 more hours to go and the securing the vote is ongoing.
Lastly congratulations UDA, growing astronomical. By end of today the brand will be in every home and mind. Brand actualization is a success. UDA staff and leaders for being bald, loud, hand working and steadfast. We did all this without Chief Hustler himself showing up at this former opposition strongholds. For this alone its a WIN.
Your last paragraph seems like it came too early.
This should have been released tomorrow when the by-election results are out
Do you know how to spin every political loss into a victory? Me neither
ruto the thief will never be president, even we have to burn down this country so be it
And you think we’ll sit still and safisha mecho as you burn it?
Burn your own house or home assuming you have one, and leave hustlers alone.
You can see the cop coordinating everything and the goons know very well they are backed by them. Those premarked ballot papers will not be put in.
Hii London seems ndio iko na interests sana kwa serikali
Enough with the fear mongering.
Very little, close to none, will happen in 2022.
Kenyans are just tired of the games. An indicator to this will be the voter apathy that will be witnessed first of all.
No one gives a flying duck about these guys (read tribal overlords) and it will take a special kind of stupid to bring violence.
Let them fight their own fights, they never fight ours.
As long as ni ruto and his sycophants like @spear Wanapigwa kama burukenge hapo mimi sioni shida yoyote…ama namna gani wangwana?
Ata mimi sioni shida
stop panicking, no violence in 2022. wait selection ya running mates ifanywe hizi kelele zote zitaisha.
Choose what you spit carefully.
Ruto and UDA are theives and goons. The president should rain very heavy violence on them mpaka walainike sawasawa.
Serikali ya Mbwa na mamake
Uhuru Ruto Raila supporters are all the same. You all want to destroy the country