Kiunjuri cant hold a candle to Waiguru. the intellectual might and experience is beyond waaay beyond Kiunjuri mr shairman’s horizon. Kiunjuri B.ed exp: highschool teacher, mp, assistant minister where he was associated with corruption at maji house playing golf with tenderprenuers. he knows zilch about governance. aiiii! hata kama nakusupportingi saa zingine you pull crazy moves.
That seat needs a hardened political operative who’s able to handle all manner of brickbats thrown by Cord.
Waiguru may have been the better in governance but a novice politically.
Blame it on the penchant to politicize everything.
Ultimately it’s Kenyans who are the losers.
Wenye kusoma wanafunza university, wenye kuchora kama kiunjuri ni ma CS
I complained about kiunjiri yesterday…ngojeni tuu he will make waiguru look like a saint na huyu si mtu wakusema my doctors have adviced me…hii ni jiwe ngumu
Kiunjuri ni ligi ndogo kwa siasa so he has a double handicap. his politics is so local that he couldn’t even win a seat with his own party GNU. hata afadhali angechukua Marwa
Tanzania saw it was fit to elect a former high school teacher over the experienced grey haired guy. The board of EA most profitable company saw the best person to take over as CEO was a high school graduate. Directors of EA most profitable bank appointed a young 38 year old by passing many more experienced people. I say give the guy a chance and let’s judge him later. If you think having a degree and experience is all it takes, ask yourself why KQ is where it is despite the former chief being an alumni of harvard business
Kazi ya CS sio kuropokwa kwa rally na televisheni na kujibishana na watu.
In the case of Kiunjuri, he has proved before that he can’t deliver. Uhuru atafute “Michuki” mmoja tu asafishe jina yake, otherwise mambo si mzuri sana.
Enyewe UK is smart. The issue was corruption in Waiguru’s docket. Now all everyone is going to talk about is whether the new appointees are suitable or constitutional. Waiguru goes Scott free…
His sycophancy blinds him to the reality. Hata kama ni kulick ass, aii.
How many people do you see willing to take Nkaissery head on? They know, from journalists to politicians, they will be answered back with equal fire.
Let me ask you, who is the secretary of agriculture in the US government? Exactly. Whoever he is, he still does his job because what is expected of him is performance in the role that he’s been hired for. Nobody expects him to get into a shouting match over the media with the Raila of the Republican party. And even positions like the secretary of state or defense, they are well known because their ministries are almost always in the media not because they engage in rallies and fights with politicians. The job of engaging with the political parties belongs to the president. He should shield his cabinet from aggressive politics.
Unfortunately this is Kenya and our politicians aren’t known to observe political decorum. That’s why it’s essential to have a CS who’s ready to tangle with the pigs in the troughs.
How did he prove he cant deliver? Because he was an assistant minister? Name for me just 2 assistant ministers from 2002 whose performance was stellar. There was a reason why these seats were scrapped.
That Michuki mmoja mnatafuta akikuja you complain that he is too old so the youth have been neglected. Or he is not following the constitution
kiunjuri cs devolution that is a joke
by that logic, if you go to go to an office and find everybody wearing blue ties you should also wear blue ties. The government is supposed to set the agenda and how political debate is conducted in the country. That is one of Uhuru’s and Kibaki’s many failings. They see/saw the way things should be in this country but all too often they bow to what other people want/wanted things to be. It’s called being a leader not a follower.
boss I explained myself, this guy was playing golf with the same tenderprenuers who were gobbling cash at maji house.
Mimi nataka wizi iendelee ndio wachache watajirike kiasi kuwa tuweze kusahau “tyranny of numbers”.
So the threshold for integrity has now been raised to this level? I thought you would come with tangible evidence of him being involved/ investigated in corruption. That, I would have supported you.
Ni ligi ndogo na akiwa CS wewe ni VE