We will ugliest uniforms award at the paris olympics. Fun fact: The Masai shuka is actually a scotish kilt. Before the church of scotland missionaries came to kenya, masai used to walk naked like most tribes of kenya
We didnt walk naked
What happened to Nike deal?
Those clothes would look way nicer if the “models” weren’t so ugly.
Ababu must have shat on it by asking for kickbacks
Hehe, Scottish kit. Na ndio tunajidai ni culture yetu.
Walikua wanafunika kichwa badala ya cargo? Fucking white fuckers . Today tungekua tunasafisha mecho straight
Hizi uniform zili designiwa na Ababu… such an eye sore.
Zinacrumple around foldlines like the kaunda suits of jabasss
Poor fabric choice
Few Kenyans know that the tartan print of Maasai shukas was introduced by akina Delamere.
The current Massai shuka were actually table cloths used by the british. There is nothing massai about that shuka. The maasai traditional clothing were animal skins. The maasai replaced their animal skins initially with blankets and then the table cloths. The table cloths were preferred because they were lighter and it was one size fit all with no need for tailoring, just wrapping around.
Very nice information.