Ugandan tax on social media

East Africa iko shida

They charge the citizens instead of looking for a tax plan that can get it from companies oops i forgot the companies are the governments in E.A


Senile leadership, that’s what it gets you. Look at Nigeria’s Buhari.

Tax on social media is better than idiot jubilee tax increase on basic needs.

Ata waongeze social media tax iwe 1000%. People won’t die of hunger perennial like Kenya.

Facebook ni ya Mtu ameshiba.

Not true. Poor people actually spend large percentage of income and time on airtime and internet.

There’s some articles showing how some people in Kenya skip meals to afford to use Instagram, Facebook, twitter. And that malnutrition cases among young kenyan men are skyrocketing.

A lot of productivity and money is lost

Same case when it come to betting.

How will they tax those who access social media using WiFi?

How stupid is that? Is social media presence even among the physiological needs, those you need to stay alive? Didn’t Maslow say that all other needs become secondary until the physiological needs have been met? Anyone doing that needs to be nominated for the Darwin Award.

Museveni fears free speech.Anything that can give initiative to the youth of Uganda threatens him

Hata barabara ni ya mtu ameshiba so people should be taxed more when using them. Stima, dstv, kukula mutura, hata kuswim kwa river pia, the list is endless.


I think Maslow had in mind rational people when he was theorising. I have seen people do some very irrational things in Kenya like doing Sportspesa with their rent and food money.
I wouldn’t be surprised by what @vanadium said concerning malnutrition and social media tradeoff among some foolish Kenyans

where do they take their rationality or what’s the craving that drives them to endanger their very being? i thought instinct’s supposed to kick in where survival is threatened…

Faulty reasoning is a cause. It’s the only thing that can explain why a young person would choose to go hungry in order to give Safaricom their lunch money so that they can access Facebook.

Social media can be addictive just like any other drug. It provides a source of escapism that Kenyan youth really need because of how bad things are around them.

Hi, can you share the link to the article? Thankiiee

Low-income Kenyans

It is no doubt that some Kenyans would rather forego expenditure on food and other essential expenses so as to buy airtime, according to a 2012 case study of mobile usage among low-income Kenyans.

“One in five respondents interviewed had foregone some usual expenditure in order to reload their phone with credit,” read part of the study commissioned by World Bank.

Young working men are not eating well.

The Ministry of Health says it has noticed an increase in the number of men who are married and those who are bachelors being undernourished, despite them being employed.

Nairobi’s malnourished men eat one meal a day

She added; “I may not say that women are starving their husbands, but these are habits that men form that make them become undernourished. For women, they are the ones who cook. When they cook, they eat the food. This might also be why we are seeing more obese women men.”

Ndio ni advisable as a man unapitia kwa @blackguards unajitibu na mitura na soup before heading home.