I won’t gamble my life with such. You’ve been unable to develop your country economically…why would I trust your developed vaccine with my health … naaah
if its scientifically proven to work, then why not?
Still no…I give you a simple task to make a bicycle ukashindwa… unataka kuniambia utatengeneza jet engine? Why haven’t they developed ebola vaccine na huko ndio ina originate from …come on brother still hapana
For me, its not whether they made a bicycle or jet engine. As long as the vaccine works and is proven to do so, ntachukua.
Science and economic development are two different things. Science is universal and Ugandan scientists can easily develop a vaccine. You don’t have to live in the US to know the biology of viruses and their control, including making compounds to protect against the pathogens.
NB Russia is a leader in science but some citizens live in 3rd world conditions.
Both have something in common… attitude… hata hivyo why haven’t they developed ebola vaccine?
Pearl omega alitengeneza hiv cure… people drank it to their way to graves… I just don’t see safety measures adhered to when it comes to our people. Attitude ya shortcuts is key. If it’s kagame who said it…I would think twice. The rest nop
This is like asking why developed countries havent developed a HIV vaccine.
Self hate, science is universal
Still ask yourself why is it that some presidents in African if they need surgery they go abroad? Hata museveni in sure he trusts Pfizer more than his scientists
Not really…I would trust kagame scientists a million times
I agree with you,yenye imetoka kwa mzungu is the best
Inspired by Madagascar
So this Abba character is this thick? After being accused of self hate, he start Kagame blah blah. When Edward Jenner developed a smallpox vaccine from cowpox infection was England making jet Engines?
A vaccine is not even a complicated biology
Wewe musee endea chanjo.
Hio ngombe ya Biden hainaga akili. He will only use vaccines approved by Biden, Homo Obama and the collaborator Nabongo Mumiasi. Hao watatu pekee!!
As a person of alternative race, siwezi itumia
Basically hivi ndio akili ya Biden supporter hukaa. Reasoning kama ya mende.