It was a lady not a man that was gunned down, on her way from the bank at TRM, a couple of millions was stolen.

Kwanini ukaamua wakuchape mchele…ungekaa kwenyu na utulize makende kwa nyumba,hungepatana na “Pakistan

Leta hekaya ya mchele baba…long before we heard one from you

Ulihata ile akiwa Torabora na Mujahadeen

hehehe ebu weka hio link hapa mbloo tafasali

I’ve been around women who risk it all for the money… When money is your god there’s nothing you wouldn’t do… You chase the money then think about yourself later on (if at all you’ll think)

Nv tusizoeane. Tuma kakitu.

Nappy Seal

@Matako ya Punda

Truesay. It is very sad/painful to see such young women even the ones in our Unis (at least in with a chance of getting a job somewhere at some point) whoring themselves to rich old men. Sasa ona they are being killed every other day. I believe many are raped everyday trying to earn some money.

I saw a live show where they hosted some young women and they held a talk about sponsors… Most of them were 19 to early 20’s… I was shocked that most of them said they didn’t care getting laid in order to lead a lavish lifestyle… Yaani these are girls who have just entered college and all they think about is wearing latest designers, trips and other luxurious things…
Some even said that they know their parents would be disappointed when they heard their views or whatever they were doing. It’s beyond sad.

No matter how many cases we witness it will never change these naive, materialistic girls or is it women? But what can we do?

I hear you kabsa. I stared at some young Uni women at some pub in Westlands where we had gone to have drinks…until my wine went warm. I could not believe my eyes vile they were hovering around some ‘rich’ businessmen and laughing when they laughed…cringeworthy to say the least.

Huku wamemalizwa na Naijo ‘sponsors’ if you could call them that. Pesa ndiyo our undoing as a nation! because even the young men have sponsoresses.

Hapo freshi mzito, hii hekaya ya Uncle Uwes @uwesmake imeweza mbaya :D:D:D:D

Yep, to piggy back somehow on guka’s sentiments. These young kids are growing up in difficult times because they are under intense pressure to have the perfect Instagram life. At the same time, economics paint a very bleak picture. Sadly we are going to see many deaths of despair from murders, drugs, suicide until people start to get real.

How did you survive your slay queen years?

Be very firm na discipline,i reward them according to their behavior and school work and remind them mtoto akipata I.d amekuwa mtu mkubwa,mambo ya kubembeleza watoto can’t relate.

I was very busy chewing books and working part time, or holed up in a research lab. Oh and exams upon exams. By the time I was done with school, my 20s were gone. I was too old and beaten to start slaying. Education is the key, which means we haven’t scratched the surface with issues of girl child empowerment. Efforts must be doubled/tripled for this ‘at risk’ population.

Hii niya this week.

Hekaya ime-tank. The I was fastening my seat belt quickly nisikie vile ulisurvive.

But these slay queens are moving with older men while their Male peers are struggling with brokenness. So your point ofnempowering women becomes moot

Sis turushie hekaya to welcome weekend. Education and God kept me out of trouble because 20s are the worst dog years. If you survive them, at least by 30s akili imekomaa kiasi. :slight_smile:

We are saying that moving with older men could be dangerous for young girls. Heri kusota kuliko living life on the deadly fast lane. What happens when you get old and the sponyos desert you with their kid? Women need to be empowered so they don’t rely on a man for upkeep.