Tupac Shakur's mother the real founder of BLM.

[SIZE=5]Forget Patrice Cullors she is just a confused millenial toddler. She is not a true revolutionary. She hasn’t even been jailed for revolutionary activities.

The real socialist revolutionaries were known as the BLACK PANTHER MOVEMENT, and it is a massive group, that is found allover the world including in Kenya and TZ. They went by different names but they were all socialist revolutionaries.

They laid the groundwork for what you are seeing today. And with help from fellow revolutionaries like Obama and Bill Clinton, the Black Panther movement has infiltrated deep into the U.S military as well as the FBI and CIA.

The Black Panther movement was a USSR operation deep inside American territory starting in the 1930s. At first the USSR used white Russian citizens living in the U.S but later switched to the black community to spread the socialist virus.

At the very top of the U.S grassroot Black Panther movement were Tupac Shakur’s immediate relatives. His own mother Afeni Shakur, was a top Black Panther commander hell bent on overthrowing the U.S govt.

The likes of Hillary and Bill Clinton grew up admiring these socialists while in college. These white kids were known as hippies and they were more or baby socialists in training.

Kenyan socialist hippies include the likes of Jaramogi, Gama Pinto, Obama Senior, Wangari Maathai, Ngugi wa Thiong’o , Orengo, Anyang’ Nyong’o and Rao among many many others. You know their history. :smiley:

Obama’s biological parents were 100% socialist hippies at heart. In the absence of his biological dad, the young Obama was mentored by a black panther member known as Frank Marshall Davis :[/SIZE]

Frank Marshall Davis

[SIZE=5]Obama’s grandparents were socialists as well. Basically Obama grew up under watch from the FBI of that era. :D[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]FrankMarshal was under constant observation from sirkal.

Tupac had a similar upbringing. If Tupac was alive today he would probably be U.S President or running to be one!

Tupac Shakur was being groomed to be a future Black Socialist Revolutionary president. Why was he killed? Your guess is as good as mine.

Merkel of Germany is another hippie. She is the current matriarch of all world hippies.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Angela Merkel is said to have received training from the KGB in East Germany about the same time that you know who was studying “engineering” in East Germany . Did Merkel and Raila ever meet in East Germany?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5]Merkel is more of a Socialist than Putin and Xi combined! She is the real deal.[/SIZE]

A socialist revolutionary’s life is often dysfunctional. One father is killed by govt and your mother marries a new dad, it was the same with Tupac’s family.

Tupac’s first step dad, Lumumba Shakur , rumored to be Tupac’s biological father (but it later turned out that Tupac’s mum preffered brown skin tenderonis) was killed in 1971. Lumumba abandoned the family after learning the truth that he wasn’t the father :

https://www.capitalxtra.com/features/lists/tupac-family-tree-facts/biological-father-william-jefferson-billy-garland/ [/SIZE]


[SIZE=6]Lumumba Shakur was Afeni’s first husband.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Lumumba was leader of Black Panthers in Harlem, and married Afeni in 1968. A year later, the couple were arrested and charged with several counts of conspiracy. Afeni was released in 1970 and fell pregnant with Tupac - the marriage fell apart when Lumumba discovered he was not Pac’s biological father. Lumumuba was found dead in Louisiana in 1971. Picture: Getty

[SIZE=5]Tupac’s biological father was William Garland a Black Panther member. He was more of a thug than a revolutionary :[/SIZE]


[SIZE=6] William Jefferson “Billy” Garland was Pac’s biological father.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Billy had very little contact with his son growing up, only getting in touch with Tupac when he became famous. Growing up, Tupac believed that his father was dead or simply had no desire to see him, which was detailed in many of his songs. Billy passed away in 1999.

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]BLM borrows heavily from Afeni Shakur and Assatta Shakur’s work . Assata was Tupac’s “aunt” or god mother. Assatta was once the most dangerous person in the U.S. She escaped prison with help from U .S Democrat leaders and is in hiding in Cuba. Which is why BLM is against the protests in Cuba. Assatta was the leader of the U.S version of Mau Mau .[/SIZE]

https://assets.capitalxtra.com/2017/41/assata-shakur-1507563706-view-0.jpg[SIZE=6][B] Assata Shakur is Pac’s Godmother.[/B][/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]While Assata is not a blood relative of Tupac, the political activist is commonly known as his godmother. Assata is known for being former member of the Black Liberation Army, and for being convicted of murder. In 1979, she escaped from prison and fled to Cuba, where she was granted political asylum.

[SIZE=5]Mutulu Shakur is Tupac’s second step dad. Mutulu is a true revolutionary separatist. He is locked up for 60 years for robbery. In reality he is locked up for trying to overthrow the U.S govt through armed socialist revolution.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=6]Mutulu Shakur was Afeni’s second husband.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Mutulu was the adopted step-brother of Afeni’s first husband, Lumumba. A black revolutionary and trained acupuncturist, Mutulu married Afeni following Lumumba’s death. He shared a close bond with Pac, and together they wrote the famous ‘Code Of Thug Life’, a set of rules discouraging unprovoked violence between gangs. Mutulu is currently incarcerated for conspiring against the government.

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]And finally we have Afeni Shakur, Tupac’s mother :[/SIZE]

[SIZE=6]1. Afeni Shakur was Tupac’s biological mother.[/SIZE]
[COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]Afeni was Tupac’s birth mother, and was an active member of the Black Panther Party. Pac was very close to his mother and dedicated the song ‘Dear Mama’ to her. She was pregnant with Tupac whilst serving time in jail for terrorism charges, and was a reformed crack cocaine addict. Afeni died in May 2016 following a heart attack

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Inspired by Kenya’s Mau Mau these kids decided to strike serikali hard. After decades in prison she decided that maybe music was a better and safer route to continue the struggle through her son.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=5][COLOR=rgb(0, 0, 0)]Most black U.S gangs answer to the Shakur family which is why Tupac was respected by the Crips and Bloodz. [/SIZE]

Full story here : https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/afeni-shakur-davis-activist-organizer-leader-remembered-n567296

[SIZE=7]Afeni Shakur Davis: The Activist, Organizer, Leader Remembered[/SIZE]

Political and social activist and Black Panther member Afeni Shakur looks up while photographing the scene during a rally in support of the Panther 21, New York, New York, April 4, 1970. The Panther 21 were Black Panther members arrested by New York police under suspicion of planning a series of bombings, charges that were eventually dropped against all the defendants.David Fenton / Getty Images

May 3, 2016, 10:52 PM EDT / Updated May 3, 2016, 10:52 PM EDT
By Mia Hall
https://media--cldnry-s--nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/ii/AW/s/media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2016_18/1522696/gettyimages-115002355.jpgPolitical and social activist and Black Panther member Afeni Shakur looks up while photographing the scene during a rally in support of the Panther 21, New York, New York, April 4, 1970. The Panther 21 were Black Panther members arrested by New York police under suspicion of planning a series of bombings, charges that were eventually dropped against all the defendents.Photo by David Fenton / Getty Images

Though most Tupac fans were introduced to Afeni Shakur Davis through the 1995 hit ballad Dear Mama, her fellow Black Panthers and those she advocated for in her organizing days will remember her for much more.

Davis died Monday night after deputies responded to a report of possible cardiac arrest at her Sausalito, California, home.

Joseph met Davis the first day he joined the Panthers at age 15. He came for a gun, but was instead given books and a mentor in Afeni Shakur.

“Afeni would teach people how to lead themselves. She would not just help people, then leave,” shared Joseph, also the author of Tupac Shakur Legacy and Panther Baby. “She made sure you knew how to get out of your own circumstances and your march toward liberation, being able to transform personally and in the community.”

https://media--cldnry-s--nbcnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/ii/AW/s/media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-560w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2016_18/1522861/afeni_shakur_davis_2_.jpgAfeni Shakur Davis, Jamal Joseph.Marilyn Kroplick / Shakur Estate

During the 80s, Davis turned to drugs in her struggle with the post-traumatic stress of government oppression on the Black Panther Party. After seeing many leaders and fellow organizers die, friends say it became the way she coped.

Joseph worked with Davis for several years, some of them while she was on drugs. “She was still more dynamic and focused and powerful than some people were while sober,” recalled Joseph, who also acknowledged that by the time Dear Mama debuted, she was an active part of Tupac’s life and was a close advisor to him…


For once, nimesoma article yako

Rao na orengo ni capitalists wakuu

Sidhani umesoma. Hio article ni mrefu including attached links. All in all the USSR seems to have won the ideology battle.

Voting for Raila = voting for socialism. But the choice comes down to Kenyans themselves. A Raila presidency will alter Kenya in ways that cannot be reversed easily. Are you ready to open pandora’s box?

50 years from now will Kenyans regret these changes? Are you ready be WOKE?

Angusha @patco dear mama. Was dope.

Why are Luo wankers profound socialists? See this bonobo below :D:D:D


Culturally Luos love to share as well as collective group think. Even before the white man arrived on East African shores, Luos shared land and wealth communally.

They weren’t like Maasai’s whereby there were wealthy Maasais with huge herds of cattle and very poor Maasais with nothing. Wajaluo walianza ugamu juzi. Even wives were passed on from deceased brother to the next one in line. If one son gets educated he is supposed to carry the whole family on his shoulders.

Btw it’s the Kisiis who taught them stinginess and capitalism, Otherwise those interior Luos are still socialists/Communists to the core. Jaramogi wanted to bring socialism to Kenya but the hard core capitalist Keniarra told him no please, sio hapa. If angepenya, tungekuwa worse than our neighbors the Zoomalians. :smiley:

As far as am concerned, associating the black panthers with the BLM is an abomination