Tuju being auctioned - I remember red peels celebrate his wife cooking fish

The world is a cycle,Leo mimi Kesho wewe. Never celebrate anyone’s downfall,hii dunia si ya MTU vane. Stay humble. Ni God maze.


Former Cabinet Secretary Raphael Tuju secures court order to stop the auction of his two properties in Karen, Nairobi, over Ksh 4.5 billion debt owed to EADB, pending the outcome of a case filed to contest the true value of the properties.

Tuju alleges that Knight Frank Valuers Ltd conducted inadequate desktop assessments which resulted in valuations that did not accurately reflect the true worth of the properties.

The valuations estimate Tamarind Karen and Dari Business Park at Ksh 590 million for market value and Ksh 442.5 million for forced sale, while Entim Sidai is valued at Ksh 1.395 billion for market value and Sh1.046 billion for forced sale.

The case is set for mention on November 20.


How can you be encouraging humility while gleefully announcing Tuju’s tribulations? This just shows how women have an inborn cruelty wanaenjoy watu wakiteseka despite what they pretend to profess. Born narcissists
Niko sure Una cheo kubwa kanisani, you fit the profile of a great “prophet of God”


Which glee? Stop being a male chauvinist pig. You were the ones rejoicing about his exe wife’s fate of frying fish. I’ve not rejoiced,I’m just informing the people that mpanda ngazi hushuka and mwenye anajua kibanda anipeleke I will buy.


I put a article last year if exactly how it went down. Tuju borrowed about 1b around 10 years ago against his property’s in Karen. The idea was to develop that Karen property 20 acres ( into a high end housing scheme). And he started to do it, but run out of money plus his investors walaked away.

The problem is that the loan could only be arbitrated in London(UK), where he lost the case because he did not meet payments. By then, the loan had ballooned to over 2b. I am shocked that’s it’s this high today, but with 15-20% annual interests, it’s not surprising.

It’s the cost of going into politics. Ask yourself where that 1b went?
And his wife played him.


Leave the wife out of this

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idiot of a woman. waiting for a white man since 1988


Sasa unafikiri Tuju will be frying obambla huko gatwekera?


Hold on you stupid stinking fish coochie cunt. What did you just write you piece of shit trash maggot. Shetani hii


Fucking bleeding male hoe.

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Siumdinye atulie banae.


@TrumanCapote is always peaceful and friendly.

Let’s not bully her.

Let’s bully @Ndindu instead.

In comparison to his previous life, it’ll certainly feel like it.

Mama mchafu nyamaza

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The same woman who was fucking his driver or was it bodyguard. Seems you are happy high value man Tuju is being auctioned, otherwise you would be indifferent about it. You are such a bitter person, catalyzed by the content you consume, utapinga, but always remember you can lie to everyone in the world, just not yourself :joy:.


You are the one who is bitter. I’m just stating facts, whether I’m happy about it, is none of your business team buh why are you taking it so personal na haikuhusu? Are you the lawyer of all chimpanzees who make stupid choices in life? You are just a frustrated chimpanzee going by the “high value” red peel garbage :wastebasket::put_litter_in_its_place: you consume. Do you think Elon Musk consumes red peels rhetoric? Why? He is busy. Like real men are. Too busy to be regurgitating mantras from a cult for chimpanzees :gorilla: suffering from failed masculinity. Everyone with half a brain knows that red peel is for useless desperados trying to console themselves that they are “high value”. Stop arguing with women you don’t know on the internet over some guy you don’t know from a can of paint who screwed himself financially bcz his ego lied to him that he was invincible after killing a man and getting away with it - is this what Elon Musk would do? You know the answer. Go out and be a man instead of trying to convince strangers on the internet that you are one . And quit that stupid misogynist cult lying to you bcz you are too retarded to be your own man, you need a support group to prop up your flailing ego bcz the facts state otherwise.

Use your brain for a second. Why would a cult tell you that women who sleep with men are bad and you deserve better and at the same time tell you that a woman who won’t sleep with you doesn’t deserve you? You will waste your energy on this nonsense instead of putting it into the actual business of being a man bcz you don’t know what being a man’s about. Amerix is jobless and he’s using misogyny to make money from retarded chimpanzees with low self esteem and financial frustration like him. He’s using your inadequacy to make money,ati he’s giving you instructions on masculinity. Aren’t you an adult who can think for yourself?

Let me school you bcz clearly you are a lost soul who thinks he’s seen the light. Can I who is not a man tell you what the real origin of red peel is? It’s from the pimps. Hence the opposite term simp. Bet you didn’t even know that in spite of eating and breathing red peel.What is a pimp? A financially frustrated black man who has no education ,no options in life, probably been to jail and takes on women to prostitute for him to other men with money usually white men and intimidates the women to give him their money. So the white man is building his community but a chimpanzee is using women in his community to prostitute themselves and give him the money. Yaani these are your teachers. Bruh go study Elon Musk instead of caricatures of failed masculinity who can’t compete with other men so they are destroying their community to feel manly.

These are your role models and you don’t even know it because you never interogate what you consume.


Someone is worth billions unadhani ataenda broke even if he loses all his assets?

To your standards of brokeness probably not. To anyone wealthy losing 4.5 billion worth of prime property is the definition of being broke . He’s also HIV positive so this kind of stress can kill him. Older people with HIV have alot of complications. His wife is likely to outlive him.

I think all things you have described there Elon Musk would do . Is int he the one who is building a humanoid /robot wife for men ?

Of course, he’s a brilliant man. He’ll sell you the robot and keep the real one. Typical capitalism. Btw does he drive a Tesla? I only follow his space x stuff so I don’t know.