[SIZE=7]Trump threatens to deport millions beginning next week[/SIZE]
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President Donald Trump is threatening to remove millions of people living in the United States illegally on the eve of formally announcing his re-election bid.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement next week will “begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States,” Trump said in a pair of tweets Monday night.
Hot air,he is not the Constitution
Drumpf will once again use the immigrant as a fulcrum to stay in the White Houe, whip up that Xenophobia and get the brainless ready to go and vote. Iran is option two, yaani wag the dog the way they did with Saddam.
Meanwhile… Trump White Male Chauvinists continue to fail in attempts to pass nomination processes…
[SIZE=7]Shanahan withdraws as Trump’s defense pick as domestic incidents resurface[/SIZE]
On Tuesday, the Washington Post reported details related to a November 2011 incident in which Shanahan rushed to defend his then-17-year-old son, William, in the days after the teenager brutally beat his mother with a baseball bat.
Two weeks later, Shanahan wrote a memo to prepare his son’s initial court appearance, arguing that he had acted in self-defense, according to the Post.
But in an interview on Monday, Shanahan told the Post that he later regretted writing the memo and never intended for anyone other than his son’s attorneys to read it.
“Quite frankly it’s difficult to relive that moment and the passage was difficult for me to read. I was wrong to write those three sentences,” Shanahan told the Post.
“I have never believed Will’s attack on his mother was an act of self-defense or justified. I don’t believe violence is appropriate ever, and certainly never any justification for attacking someone with a baseball bat,” he said.
Later Tuesday, Shanahan released a statement saying he withdrew from consideration after details surfaced related to “a painful and deeply personal family situation from long ago.”