True Hell and Heaven visit of 12-year old girl who died briefly and came back to life

This is a word-for-word transcript of a testimony of a schoolgirl who had died for four (4) hours in May 2018.

At the time of the out-of-body experience, she was around 12 years old and was a student at Port Moresby Christian Academy at Gerehu, National Capital District, Papua New Guinea. The original testimony was given in Tok Pisin (one of the official languages of Papua New Guinea) during church service at Morata PNG Bible Church soon after the experience.

During the four hours, Jesus took her on a tour of heaven and hell. He showed her mysteries which we would otherwise not know. At the end of the four hours, Jesus sent her back to this world with a stern warning that his return is very, very near and that the last trumpet will sound at any moment. Only those who are pure and holy will be able to hear the sound of the trumpet and be scooped up in rapture.

Do not harden your heart. This is the time for salvation. Make your decision now before it is too late. Jesus Christ is still knocking on your door. Believe in him and accept him as your personal Lord and Saviour and attain eternal life (John 3:16). The signs all over the world are telling that Jesus Christ is returning very, very soon. Get your life in order now before it’s too late.

Please listen attentively to the testimony all the way to the end!

Papua New Guinea huwa wanagrow jaba?

Surely you cant believe this bullcrap. I remember one time in lower primary school, we were attending this Redeemed gospel church where people liked giving testimonies. One time I decided to give a testimony which is too embarassing to narrate here but it involved seeing a creature in my bedroom at night. It was all lies but after I was done, the congregation was clapping and all that. This is brainwashing maze in a very stupid way.

I believe her. I believe her account is the pure Truth, and I’m so grateful that God allowed her to come back and tell us about what she saw, as a form of encouragement on this journey. I just love these NDE’s (near death experiences) mostly because I don’t want any nasty surprises if I was to die. This young girl said that most people will end up in hell which aligns with what is written in the Bible: “wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. But narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14.

Therefore, if you’re doing and thinking like most people, there’s a high probability that you’re falling into the same trap as billions before you who died and ended up in the Lake of Fire.

Saa hizi majority of us won’t consider the concept of death or the afterlife but after you die, that’s all you think about. So why is it that, by default, there is much blindness surrounding this topic? It’s as if someone doesn’t want us to know, but why? If our conscience was indeed neutral, then human beings should have equal attraction for God and Satan. But you find the rebellion against God within us is instinctual.

A person who died at age 40 in 500AD has been dead for 1500+ years but whatever they’re experiencing in the afterlife right now is based on those relatively few 40 years on earth. Eternal consequences for a fraction of time on earth? Right now our ‘files’ are editable, you can add, delete, modify but ukikufa that’s it. Your life history becomes a .pdf and it goes before you as your permanent CV. Please, let us pad our resumes with the experiences that really matter. Love God and do good works always.

Boss, it’s five years later and you still cling to this hallucination?

The brain is a powerful tool to waste on bs…“trumpet will blow and yall will scooped up to heaven”:D:D:D

Just look at how the condition of the world has deteriorated rapidly within the last 5 years (since 2018). Do you think that everything is still the same? We never had an outright war between Russia and the US, there was no threat of a nuclear Armageddon but now it is very real. The Covid pandemic, financial turmoil, earthquakes, political crisis, and so on. All these signs point to the fact that Jesus Christ is coming back very, very soon.

the world was a shittier place when jesus was alive… wangekuja, rape your women, kill your men, and enslave the rest… we are in the most peaceful age in humanitys history

The entire concept of hell I am struggling to get my head around. Just imagine eternal damnation even for sins you are unaware of, such as a subconscious thought you may not even know you are having. How does that justify being burned for eternity? Unless you throw critical thinking out of the window, it does not make sense.

But what is even crazier is it’s God who is judging us, God who brutally murdered all the firstborns in an entire country, who killed all the people in the planet in a single flood, presumably innocent babies included. How is it fair that the same deity becomes the moral authority for right and wrong?

I mean if God would appear and physically tell me that’s how it is then I would not ask any question. But why would I believe such allegations that emanate from a book written by people?


We acha hata hizi YouTube confessions ya 10 minutes. I read this book a few years ago, still I am not convinced. We ukisoma hii I think your mind will just be blown away seeing as to how easily you are swayed by matters religion. I wish God would give me the actual first hand insight he gave that girl. images (9).jpeg

[SIZE=7]its all fake and scripted[/SIZE]

tutumieni akili wadau…

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Hii siwezi amini

Huko wana tafuta steam ya jaba na Betel Nut… Unatafuna miezi tatu, meno zinaoza zote na mdomo inakua permanently stained red. Wakicheka wanakaa watoto wa shetani ya ukweli.

Kwani hilo jinamizi liliku @Benn Dover

Why would your god shit his pants just because some two countries might fight? Start enjoying life son and stop living in fear.


Religion is the opium of the poor

Am sorry bro, nimeshindwa kuendelea na hiyo testimony hapo penye amesema she “saw a man riding on a flying horse.” Coincidentally, didn’t prophet Muhammad ride into heaven on a flying horse too? Do these 2 testimonies prove flying horses exist?

Imagine God is so faithful. If that is your earnest desire then just continue holding on to it and He will show you these Truths. Your breakthrough is coming soon.

Let me leave you with something. Think about all these people who die every single day. Suddenly they are faced with knowing everything that people here on earth are struggling with. They suddenly know if there’s a God, they know which religion is the Truth, they know all about Hell and Heaven. All this knowledge that we are struggling to understand and extrapolate from various sources becomes crystal clear at an instant! The only caveat is that they cannot come back and un-do their life’s works. The fact that there is such a deep mystery about death and the afterlife tells you that it is the most profound thing in this universe. These people don’t even sleep or eat or do anything except ponder their life’s actions, worship God and such spiritual matters something which they probably never did while on earth.

Can we also just agree that there is life after death? Even science has proved it. There is life after death. Knowing this, then why would someone who has undergone a serious medical emergency resulting in death (brief death) come back and lie to us? Yet there is a lot of consistency between their narrations? We know that many people (check on YouTube) have died and gone to hell/heaven. What do they gain from lying? Body language experts, just look at this young girl, her eye contact tells you that she’s speaking the truth. The level of detail for instance when she saw angels around the throne of God singing, “Holy, Holy, Holy” all day and night. That’s actually in the Bible and I wouldn’t expect a 12 year old to have that level of detailed knowledge of the Bible. The way she described hell as a “lake” of fire and the piercings on Jesus’ body (from His crucifixion) which are still present even today. Again, very high level detail which can only be gleaned from first hand experience. What is there to be gained from lying?

[SIZE=5]Luke 16:27-31[/SIZE]
The rich man said, ‘Then please send Lazarus to my father’s house on earth! I have five brothers. Lazarus could warn my brothers so that they will not come to this place of pain.’ But Abraham said, ‘They have the law of Moses and the writings of the prophets to read; let them learn from them!’ The rich man said, ‘No, father Abraham! If someone came to them from the dead, they would believe and change their hearts and lives.’ But Abraham said to him, ‘No! If your brothers won’t listen to Moses and the prophets, then they won’t listen to someone who comes back from death.’”

^^^Back in the day, they had limited understanding of death. That it is a spectrum. You don’t die immediately your heart stops beating, and today with modern medicine (CPR, defibrillation, epinephrine/vasopressors) we know that early intervention can, and often does, bring people back to life.