Tripple jabbed Justin Trudeau the covid magnet

This guy who keeps on getting infected. This is now the second time.


Inaiweka nkama amepata covid 20 times

The guy alifungia Canadians na kuharass truckers juu ya mambo za chanjo, so its karma the fool anashikwa na covid several times.

Doesn’t mean that u cant get covid when vaccinated. The effect is not as bad

Its a cult bana

Ingekuwa kitu poa kama Wazungu wote wangekufa waishe Dunia irudi vile ilikuwa before these PESTS arrived

Then where will get the German machines from?

We the brave don’t care , have never cared and will never be castrated

They will use BJ 50 instead

Dude hapo sawa, Yeap hawakuwa kitambo

Yeah! Right!

You are managing your expectations kali sana. From ‘yer wont catch covid ergain!’ to this one is cute. Next utasema ‘at least you didnt die!’
