Anyone who knows to tweak IMEI ya Samsung Trend,Please Help
u use a comp
Kueka USB Debug Mode ndo imenishinda,Ntaiwekaje
go to developer options in settings utapata usb debug hapo…
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Go 2 setting/about device/then 2 build number and press four times.
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Io developer options iko wapi
kama hujui kueka debbug mode utaweza ku edit imei kweli?
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Nilishafanya zote msee
na software ni gani?
Kama unadai inbox nikuchapie process yote
@Manu Guru kuna inbox nimekutumia pia na ile mambo ya bandos ukijibu unistue na ya hii process
CMD can do this too
was using it on some MTK
use this kwa pc
then utarun cmd nayo
imekataa kuupload juu ni .exe
edit file extension to jpeg…pia lzm ukue rooted
tafuta module inaitwa imei changer pale xposed
never works
Kuna App inaitwa Imei Changer,That works Perfectly