Just how does sex after marriage go for modern couples who have been clueless all their lives?
Apparently, it’s a challenge especially when it’s the man who need internship in the sex department.
Take Sharon Chebet.
She was shocked in 2015 when her hubby turned into a log in bed. A pastor’s son, James Wafula had no clue what to do with Sharon on their wedding night. “He kept asking whether he was doing the right thing. The fact that I’m more experienced sometimes really pisses me off because I feel like the man in the relationship. I also feel immoral since I’m so experience,” Sharon told us.
Even though Sharon and her husband get along very well, she still has a problem breaking it to him that his ‘game’ is pathetic. Then what happens when a woman finds that her hubby can’t rise to the occasion on their honeymoon… that their marriage will never be consumated? Eunice Njeri reconnected with her long lost friend Charles Njogu on social media and within a few months, they were planning their wedding.
Njogu had left for the US for further studies and the last time they had met they were both in high school. Their friendship remained at a hand shake level.
“She was quite excited when he proposed to her online and she said yes. Njogu sent her money and only landed a few days to their wedding,” a source close to the couple revealed.
Eunice would later be disappointed on their wedding night. Njogu was impotent!
“She kept hoping that he would change after a while but that was never to happen. She is stuck in that marriage just because she is a Christian and is embarrassed since it was a very big ceremony,” our source revealed, adding that beside being ‘saved’ Njogu lived abroad and the distance acted as a buffer to knowing whether Njogu had ‘elephant power’. But again, having a man who has ‘experience’ might result in life long agony if he slept with women who were ‘poisoned chalise.’
Beatrice Khalai was 35 years old when she tested HIV positive.
That was eight years into her marriage to a man she tied the knot as a virgin.
“I met my late husband in church and we started dating soon after. I was 27 years old and a virgin. He is the one who broke my virginity. I worked at a local school as a cateress, while he was a teacher. We got married in 1997 and were blessed with three children,”
Beatrice describes her husband whom she thought was perfect. It was only when she got pregnant with their third child that she discovered that she was wrong.
“When I went for the antenatal clinic, the doctor said it was compulsory to test for HIV and I confidently agreed. I had nothing to fear since I had lived my life perfectly. I almost had a heart attack when I was told I was HIV positive. I thought the doctor was mistaken and went home. I did not know what to do,” Beatrice who later lost her husband to AIDS told The Nairobian.
She blames the church for not counseling and recommending HIV tests before their wedding. There are times when the boot is on the other foot and men suffer in silence after marrying lasses who had ‘chilled.’
Edwin Omondi a father of two, laments that “Whenever we fight with my wife she likes to remind me that when we met she was a virgin and that I deflowered her,” and using the virginity bait against him gets his goat and to date, “my wife is the devil and our home is hell.”
Worse than a wife who uses virginity to keep her man is the unfortunate case of marrying a woman suffering from ‘penis captivus.’ This is a rare medical condition in which muscles in the vagina clamp down on the ‘kuni’ before full entry.
Now to be the devil’s advocate…
If you marry a virgin:
[li]If her boyfriend had cum inside her in the past then there is a chance that your kid will bear some DNA of your wife’s ex boyfriend.( )[/li][li][/li][li]She will compare and judge you if you have small penis (only if her boyfriend had bigger than yours). And not to mention premature ejaculation ( she will 100% get into extramarital affairs or start talking to her ex boyfriend again)[/li][li]If you haven’t had any relationship before marriage then your chance of getting pure love will be lost because girl can’t love anybody more than she loved her first boyfriend. She can’t forget her first love till her death. It is the truth.[/li][li]If you have male ego then it will be hard for you to digest that your wife has more experience in bed than you, she may fake orgasms if you are too inexperienced to make her orgasm and to fake anything in marriage is cheating.[/li][li]If your friends and relatives find out that your wife had slept with guys before marriage then they will make fun of you and whenever you guys get into altercations they will bring this topic again & again (that his wife is characterless).[/li][li]I may say you should forgive your wife and marry her if she had sex for 1–2 times because that doesn’t make her experienced but if she has a past of sexual history then it is a problem.[/li][li]Don’t be sad if you didn’t get virgin wife at least she doesn’t have sexual history, but what about our offspring? Nowadays even 12 year old girls are having sex and by the time they are entering into college they are becoming pro in sex.[/li][li]But there is a Problem- THERE IS HARDLY ANY VIRGIN GIRLS LEFT FOR OLDER GUYS. You guys haven’t met virgins yet because you missed your chance (either you are ugly or you were too nice to get a girlfriend). Now you will suffer whole your life with that girl who has had her best ecstatic time with handsome and player guys. (And feminists say experienced wife is a good wife, I say fuck off to those feminists. Who wants a experienced wife if he is still inexperienced and he is giving his total self, soul, heart to that woman who’s had given her soul and body to many guys before him)[/li][li]We are humans, we are not dogs, dogs change their sex partner every season, we won’t care if girl is not virgin but then give us freedom to change our partners every season. Don’t listen to those feminists who are inspired by European and American thinking, there is no comparison between Western culture and African culture. (Western people have sex with animals but Africans won’t do that even in their dreams, Western people swap their partners called as swinger party but In Africa your parents and society will disown you if you do that, plus divorce rate in Western country is very high because they can get divorce even if they are bored with sex life but in here you can’t do that without condemnation) so never think of being an American or European because you are not.[/li][li]if you want to marry and have kids then I may say choose a girl WHO CAN COOK AND DO YOUR LAUNDRIES AND NEVER WANTS TO SEPARATE FROM YOUR FAMILY. (You won’t get virgin girl in 21st century) if she can do this for you then she has a good character. other wise remain single for whole life (I don’t advise this. You should marry but you can’t be her first love, you might be her last) hopefully. Because most of the older single guys are nice in nature, so be nice always whether you show your love to her or not, whether you are depressed or having extramarital affairs (which I don’t advise because it will ruin your nature) so as the time will pass your wife will start loving you, AT THIS TIME BE THE ALPHA MALE and enjoy the love she is giving you but don’t fall for her that easily just be nice and more confident and show her that you have more worth than her exs. Make her obsessed with you(at this time your penis size won’t matter) because you’re earning and well settled and nice natured guy She will fall for you.[/li][li]At last everyone needs a family to support you at the lowest point of your life or when you get sick/Ill or when you will get old and vulnerable. When you will be senior citizen then virginity won’t matter then what will matter is love and care your family gives you and you give to them.[/li][/ol]
That deep!
It came mby cheep.
wah! truth . truth
Mimi huwa sioni kama naeza tomba the same coomer for years. Hapo kuna time itafika nishindwe kumbao, bibi aende huko nje kusambaza uvumi vile niko “down” in bed. Coomer moja tawe.
Ati kama ex alimwaga ndani rasima dna ya ex iko na mtoto
Wanaeza introduce hizi results kwa dowry
There are so many virgins around… Lakini mkiwatafuta kwa klabu hamtowapata!!