So many nutcases running around in America, na ati huyu ni lawyer. @Purple, huwa mnasurvive aje kwa hii America huwa mnashinda mkiisifu hapa :D:D. Yaani he actually believes his rights are being violated by random people who’re speaking Spanish to ONE ANOTHER?? Hata si yeye anaongeleshwa. Even threatening to call ICE coz speaking Spanish automatically makes one an illegal immigrant. I’m surprised he hasn’t picked his AR-15 rifle and walked to a hispanic majority school to perform his “patriotic duty” of making America great again.
Kenyans think speaking Kiswahili, the national language, is a sign of poverty or illiteracy or being unsophisticated.
That’s ironic because there are millions of Spanish speakers in the country. And some sections of American territory were actually taken away from Mexico.
na si basi utuletee story ya lawyers kutoka hio palestine huwa unasifu hapa. Ama hio Russia huwa unasifu hapa.
:D,Hii nimeona leo.Pia kwa board room watu wanaongea english kwa meeting lakini wakishatoka nje.Kiswahili,kamba,kikuyu zote wanaongea pamoja.Nashindwa si wangeongea kiswahili mara moja kwa meeting badala ya ku struggle na english.
The one that pisses me off the most is when people laugh at someone for speaking fluently but with an accent e.g English with Meru accent, but find it “romantic” when a French or Italian man speaks horrible broken English with a French or Italian accent.
Most Americans are too ignorant to understand their history. I’m sure most would be very surprised to learn that Texas, California, Utah, Arizona and Nevada used to be a part of Mexico. Also, when this guy talks about “my country”, he conveniently leaves out the part where it used to be owned by native americans before they were wiped out. There was a time, like 70 to 100 years ago, when even Italian and Irish immigrants were considered “brown”.
Kenyans will laugh at you for speaking broken English
Huyu Jamaa alimaliza Law firm yao, Yelp ratings ilifika 1, Landlord Kicked him out, paparazzi harassing him on the streets, Partner kumhepa
Akona tabia za yule psychopath wa ‘karen’ and so called ‘rich husband’
Niliona partners wake wamechuja picha zao kwa website, wasionekane karibu na yeye :D:D. Lakini he seems to have mental issues coz he just accosts people without being provoked in any way. Kama that couple that initially thought he was the other’s friend.
Well karma is a bitch kitunguu yake sioni ikinuka any time soon
[SIZE=7]Racist lawyer kicked out of his office space[/SIZE]
By Ruth Brown, Natalie Musumeci and Elizabeth Rosner
May 17, 2018 | 4:25pm
Aaron SchlossbergDavid McGlynn
Racist lawyer Aaron Schlossberg will have to find new office space — and an attorney of his own.
The 44-year-old was kicked out of his Madison Avenue work space Thursday after he was was captured in a hate-filled rant at Spanish-speaking restaurant workers — and then a Congressman filed a formal complaint to the state court system’s disciplinary committee.
Schlossberg had been using a business center in 275 Madison Ave. as an office address for his private law firm — but has been given the boot over the shocking video that went viral Wednesday.
“We have terminated his services agreement with us,” Hayim Grant, the president of Corporate Suites, which operates the business center, told The Post Thursday, adding that he was “completely shocked” by the nearly minute-long clip.
If this guy has been recorded on three different occasions being racist, then it means it’s something he does very regularly. His run-in with the couple was in 2016, so there must be very many times he did it without being recorded.
One day he might take his ar15 rifle and attack people kwa news tusikie mentally unstable white male involved in mass shooting
“The shooter was a sweet lonely man who was mentally troubled,” :rolleyes::rolleyes:
[li][SIZE=7]Montana border patrol agent is caught on camera interrogating two U.S. citizens about their immigration status and leaving one of them in tears - just because they spoke Spanish in a store [/SIZE][/li][/ul]
By Ashley Collman For Dailymail.com11:55 21 May 2018, updated 17:11 21 May 22
[li]A Border Patrol agent was caught on camera last week stopping two women in a grocery store in Havre, Montana because they were speaking Spanish[/li][li]The two women, who turned out to be U.S. citizens living in Montana, provided the agent with their IDs, but he still held them for 35 minutes[/li][li]One of the women, Ana Suda, said she will be contacting the ACLU for legal help filing a lawsuit over the incident [/li][/ul]
Controversial video shows a Border Patrol agent quizzing two U.S. citizens about their immigration status outside a convenience store in Montana, simply because he overheard them speaking Spanish as they were checking out.
The incident happened in the early hours of Wednesday, after Ana Suda and Mimi Hernandez stepped out to get some eggs and milk for their children at a gas station convenience store in Havre, about 30 miles south of the Canadian border
Wacha kutuamsha.Tume lala.
The guy is just a madman in a suit. he is a Schlossberg, of German descent and not English. hajui hivo ama shidani gani?
I have enough problems of my own to care about this
We’re being hypocrites here because TATA ya @introvert huwa very popular.