This drink!


Sikupata habari hii ni chang’aa. Nikauziwa 1500 club blend, ati promotion. Ilinipa hangover 3 days. On the fourth day during coitus just before completion nilipata a proper migraine nikashindwa kumaliza.
Saitan ya grade



Uliuliwa aje na Scotch?

Labda nxt tym jaribu teacher’s scotch.

abv ni percentage ngapi?

Hii huwa 900 Ukwala. But its not as bad ss you describe it from my experience

Chupa tu ndio imeandikwa scotch. Contents hapana scotch hapo. Ama nilionja ‘homemade’

Seems i got a fake one. Its tasted like cheap brandy

Probable. Its an average scotch. Class ya Black & White. Try one from the supermarket. You will hardly find a fake in a major supermarket.

Can’t relate Mimi ni mutu ya masiwa na kulala mapema.

Kuna tofauti ya blended na single malt.

I have tasted it several times courtesy of madame wa promotion but my main interest is usually kushika shika thighs and matash as they serve their samples and extend their sales pitch as long as possible.

Your avatar disagrees

It was the same reason i was sucked in

In that avatar i was a sinful man but now I have seen the light.


Single malt sio ya rika yako…

In conclusion
Proverbs 20:1
– No wise man will take wine or liquor.

Pombe ya India ama China siwes guza

@dude jibu hili


Wacha Kama aendelee kunukisha kitungu pale kariobangi.