Thiba Dam is COMPELETE, to TRIPLE rice production in Mwea - Uhuru amefanya kazi buana

Perhaps, I have run into a thieving Kale colleague who tried setting me up to get axed. It’s never fair to brush an entire people by the actions of a number of them, tribalism is not a joke…we laughed ourselves into a civil strife hapo 07/08, changed my perception of d-

Thiba dam benefits will be slowed down by slow construction of related irrigation infrastructure going on there. The consultants Nippon koei and Gibb Africa are busy harrassing the local contractors with Jica taking their sweet time to approve payments.

Wouldn’t you? Already the unwise peasants who were compensated by upto 50 million tried suing the organization for a better package.

The opportunity cost of not having put up kimwarer and arror dams… hata usiseme!

Galana kulalu kulienda aje?

And someone and his wife in Karen ate two whole dams! Yaani do you understand the magnitude? 2 dams! Hehe he’s still cleared to run for the presidency though

I hope Chief Sugoi Hustler has taken note …

I wonder what Ruto has to say about Dams in general …??? :D:D

yaani umefikiria tu ni pesa watakusanya na kuweka kwa basket?

Boss,waliiba two birrions everyday some time back,kuna ubaya nikifikiria wataiba tena? Very soon munaibiwa 9 birrions ya kutengeneza M-road. Kaeni fiti mkingoja,lube inatafutwa kwa drawer:D:D


Nine to be exact. 18÷2=9

Too many days