Theory Of Unintended Consequences


You have land. Plant yours.

Dumb ass us

You’re not paying attention. China and India had a BUMPER harvest this year. They are still only able to meet 95% of their food needs. Next year they may not have a bumper harvest. in fact, most bumpers are followed by horrible crop years.

Next year, food will go through the roof. China will need more, and india will need may times more. Ukraine farmers did not go to farm this year, if the US and Europe do no stop supplying guns to a foregone war, it will make it harder to export anything next year. Food could triple in price. There is literally no alternative to the 40% grain and nearly 60% cooking oil that ukraine and russia supply the world. The world is going to STARVE to death, and US can only issue stupid threats like the toothless egg snake

So, why can’t we plant ours? Are we going to wait until we starve?

Its not that we cannot plan, it’s thatt we lack the competitive advantage to do it. Producing a tonne of wheat costs almost five times more in Kenya than Russia/Ukraine. It’s the same with oil. Kenya can produce oil bit it cost almost five times more to dig up and process. So it’s cheaper to export the raw materials and buy oil. If we decided to grow out food, we would need to spend nearly one trillion shillings to produce the same amount we import.

In short, we are just not that good at industrial farming

Don’t worry, intelligence indicate some big changes are coming in this world, look at your own politicians, they dont care, look at the economic magazine cover second time, then look how you lined up to be vaccinated with the black goo, after all satan is determined to survive.

Walijaribu kupunguza globa population na corona but that fell flat

It hasn’t failed, I have a friend aliget the goo sasa shingo yake is really stiff, he is now doing some very expensive tests.
They lied, why dont people really think for themselves.