The weaver bird ,natures engineers


Raila sounds like a cheap tabloid news reporter always spreading selacious but inconsequential gossip.

Lick JSKS arsehole peacefully bila kutusumbua, thanks to those gossips mbwa jazikuogeza bei ya fuer. Despite a 20% decline of global crude oil prices utaona that gorilla C’s insinuating that Gaza war is affecting Kenyan oil supply and inside that cranium he believes his lies Dio wakule visoooori tukilipa. Uganda saw thru those lies wakajitoa instead of having their citizens cry to god’s . As @Yuletapeli has prophesied they will all die before eating their loot

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The level of human greed is something which need to be documented in a book . Mbwa itasanya birrions at expense of millions of youths lives and expect a peaceful life ? See a dog like bill gates, he amassed a lot of wealth and now that he found out he must kick the bucket hard thanks to God he wants to take many with him .
I have a massage to such greedy swines , you will die even if you kill how many and sterilise how many Africans or Indians they will thrive years after you die . People keep birthing despite all chemicals injected to their bodies . It’s natural order that all things propagate and die so that the progeny gets some space to also propagate. Unasikia @horus mwenye unaogopa kugonga chini ?

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Kivese kya itina Umeamua Kurant Yako Yote…

Nenge kati kaku nambe ukatolekya nesa vyu usquirt ta sensi

Wakamba. Endeni hapo nyuma ya tent mkajisort nyege. Elder, hakikisha umepewa ile styro ya kupeleka ndiasa juu na chini. Penda sana.

…and this is how simple instinct can fool you to infer intelligence, or even a creator.