The very first sexual experience

´I remember there was a listing in Klist about the above and that is why The Atheist wrote about Magiri the Corinthian. Guys had given hillarious encounters. One actually illustrated his first was with a calf…when teaching it how to drink milk. Mine was not much…as in it was a duty to be observed. It was after class 8 after cirumscion you had to ''remove the soot". And ladies knew it and so it was not hard to get. And you had to dip the dick thrice and never ever ‘‘eat’’ that lady again. I followed that law to the letter…and I always laugh whenever I remember about it…yaani just three times

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Were the ladies older or younger

hahaha keruta mbiroo


I dont remember my first. I remember the one i did on tuesday. Bad memory.

Me was in high school era. I hadnt even started puberty(i had late puberty) and was clean below the belt except for signs of a little fur so I had to do it in darkness. She came home to my place and I just got on top and did my thing when time came. Its like she was high on cocaine. I was nervous so i didnt finish early I whacked the thing like i was on LSD. The lady wasnt a virgin though. She seemed to know the thing though not much. Memorable thing is that my mom called me out from outside in the heat of the thing and I shut up like I wasnt in. I encountered a virgin sometimes(years) later and she didnt even know that legs are supposed to be raised at least a little and she was also afraid of the man’s tool. She was insisting I do it with her legs together and flat on bed because she didnt wanna be seen in between. It was embarassing because it felt like i was a peadophile forcing myself on someone. Since then i have been meeting whores and Great samplers and am glad for that.

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What of us virgins are we allowed to narrate our almost first encounter?

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go ahead

You are a virgin? Oohh my god…this is a gem. Am also a sort of a virgin i havent had DF for a long time. What do you make of that?

hell to the fucking no… i once encountered a chiq who did dry humping only… you sound like one

to dry fry a virgin z an achievement,kinda trophy…but the experience z not worth writing home about.basically no pleasure and irritating ‘resistance’

Dry humping is torture, better no activity at all coz eventually you will call over the reliable and ever so dependable cheerful giver to unload

True. worse than kawasaki. You have to look for a cheerful giver later. Anyway, @Ladyette should be different.

With the aid of a diagram explain how “dry humping” is done.

Not fazed one bit. If you haven’t DFed then you must have been WetFrying. I prefer not soo h**ny men, like @ol monk

You prefer and yet you are a virgin? Am talking of the real world where all men are horny like hell. I consider myself a virgin.

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Trust me u wuldnt understand …its like 2 diff worlds

Probably I wouldnt. i havent seen a less horny man than me. Even the Pope beat me.

You’d be surprised to know there are gentlemen out there though they get horny (I guess) they don’t walk around acting like copulating is a matter of life and death. But then like @Purr_27 said, you wouldn’t understand.

I have already agreed that I wouldnt because I am not one of your “gentlemen”.

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