While our juvenile mob in here is preoccupied with Israeli activities in Gaza and Lebanon …
Millions of Black Christian Africans are facing Genocide and displacement in their own nations from invading Islamist Terrorists in the entire Sahel Region , West Africa , Darfur , Sudan , DR Congo and Mozambique.
And our idiot African leadership is too pre-occupied in stealing national wealth and oppressing it’s citizens to notice or even care about what is going on …
One would have expected them to get together urgently as a group and launch a common strategy to eliminate this growing threat.
And the whole world is just watching.
We saw something similar during the Rwandan 100 day Genocide Mayhem of 1994.
Islam is not a true religion…
It is a curse and it’s practitioners will never see the Gates of Heaven.
Ngamia Kabisa …
All of them …!!