The threat of Islamist Jihads


While our juvenile mob in here is preoccupied with Israeli activities in Gaza and Lebanon

Millions of Black Christian Africans are facing Genocide and displacement in their own nations from invading Islamist Terrorists in the entire Sahel Region , West Africa , Darfur , Sudan , DR Congo and Mozambique.

And our idiot African leadership is too pre-occupied in stealing national wealth and oppressing it’s citizens to notice or even care about what is going on

One would have expected them to get together urgently as a group and launch a common strategy to eliminate this growing threat.



And the whole world is just watching.

We saw something similar during the Rwandan 100 day Genocide Mayhem of 1994.

Islam is not a true religion

It is a curse and it’s practitioners will never see the Gates of Heaven.

Ngamia Kabisa
All of them …!!:rage::hotsprings:


there is a reason i dont feel bad for palestinians. only good muslim is a dead one. Not that i give a shit about the fake juus but even they understand that a muslim is not someone you can coexist with you either finsih them or they finish you.

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but arent the palestinians not resisting the fake jews

It’s coming… :point_down:

they even want to kill jesus :green_emoji: :green_emoji: