… is that our natural reproductive strategies are at odds with one another.
Women’s natural reproductive strategy is to try and settle down with the highest value man she can find.
Meanwhile, men’s natural reproductive strategy is to want to ferk as many women as possible. This holds true especially for high value men.
This means that for one gender’s natural reproductive strategy to be effective, the other gender must compromise theirs.
Men compromise their strategy by being monogamous and “domesticated.” Women compromise their strategy by becoming a high value man’s baby mama, clande or second wife and sharing his crumbs.
Anyway, mimi kama alpha male pana tambua kufeel pity on these heaux. No monogamy or domestication for me
Funny thing is, all these high valve alfa mails were all raised by the said domesticated beta mails who were in monogamous live in unions with their mothers and relished it but now that it’s their turn to step up to the plate and take up the mantle of giving their offspring the best environment to be raised in , they go off and join a cult and keep reciting some junk about their reproductive strategy as a cop out to what their own fathers did for them.
Bwana high valve alfa mails, there’s a difference between reproductive strategies of an animal and a human being. Why is that? Because most animals offspring become independent shortly after birth. Unlike the human infant who is the most helpless and delicate offspring in the animal kingdom. A human offspring can have food, shelter and clothing but die if they are not held, that’s how delicate a human offspring is.
The goal of the reproductive strategy of the male and the female, is to give their offspring the best chances of survival. You know ‘survival of the fittest’ . For other animals, especially with the elements against their survival and predation that is best achieved by having the numbers. It’s a numbers game. And that’s why there’s no conflict between the male and female strategy in the animal kingdom, the offspring is born walking, can run and graze or hunt in a few. So male can mate with as many females as are available. But for humans it’s about the quality of care the offspring get bcz of the fragile nature of the offspring.
I need not explain to you the effects of children who do not grow up in a monogamous two parent live in home. All you need do is look at the black American community where monogamous two parent live in home is at under 30%.But hey, don’t learn from the mistakes of others. Make your own like the high valve alfa mail you say you are. Experience is the best teacher. Good luck.
Exactly. Betas are good dads. He is not denying that. Alphas are the specimen of choice for breeding, betas are the dads of choice. A woman would rather go singomatha herself with some Alpha and then cry victim to some beta to help her bring up the bastrad. Sio? In yester years, singomathahood was not as common. Siku hizi?
I was raised by a beta male father and turned out really well, grew up in the leafy suburbs, but it is our job as children to take lessons from our parents and improve where they failed. My dad went too extreme in the beta male direction and I can see till this day that my parents’ relationship is but a shell where my dad is merely a human wallet and my mum is pretty sick of him, wanavumiliana tu at this point. My dad is also not well respected by my little sister who has turned out to be quite a brat after running roughshod on my dad’s money over the years. On top of this, my dad had ZERO knowledge to pass on to me in matters of relationships. We have literally never sat down and talked about women, as he himself likely sleepwalked through that part of life as a beta male, thinking that women are ‘mysterious.’
There is a healthy medium where a man can learn how to balance the alpha and beta side of the equation for a long lasting relationship where respect and sexual interest is maintained, while raising offspring well. This is eventually where we red-pilled brothers end up if we gain enough experience and become advanced in the game we play. Anyway, I’ve addressed a woman for too long now. Go back to the kitchen, men are talking.
LOL. You have seen your so called MALE Reproduction Strategy is completely senseless. Sasa ni wazazi unatusi. Do you know something called respect? For your parents ama huko Red Peels cult, they brainwash you not to respect parents. Do you think taking shit about women or to a woman or about your folks is what will make you a man? I pity you. I pity your kids. I pity your parents for thinking they have a son when what they have is a disrespectful and ungrateful brat. When he was spending money on you or giving it to you, he wasn’t a walking wallet but when he does it for the female members of your family he becomes a clueless beta walking wallet who does not understand women. What kind of madness is this?
Today is Father’s day and this is what you can say about your dad? Wow! That is what alfa mails means you can’t even respect the man who raised you on Father’s Day. Anyway Maisha ni yako live it how you want Mr. Red Peel. Live it the way you want. You disrespect your dad on Father’s Day then you say it’s your mom and sis who don’t. Ordinarily I could have said something shitty to you but the way you talked about your dad on a Father’s Day has made me realize you are more gone than I ever imagined. All the best being the better man. I think I can no longer engage someone who can not respect his own parents he talks shit about them on Father’s Day. I’ve left you to God kijana.From today I am not dealing with you. The way I don’t deal with ule mshenzi mwingine called Karoga. You are a disgrace to manhood and to your parents. Goodbye.
Your ‘other animals’’ males kill off other males’ young offspring with their females of interest (ciihú) on sight, hence hakuna kulea ciihú at any cost.
All attraction to females is based on desire to reproduce with said female(s), to bring forth own offspring.
As it presently is among humans, it isn’t necessarily advantageous when kids are brought up in your perfect nuclear family. All it takes is an interested & capable dad for that to obtain, ergo pairing/marriage isn’t a necessity to rear kids who’ll thrive…apana tambua kunguru hata kidogo.
Caveat: If you cannot plan & act ahead of what can be anticipated, perhaps this kind of life isn’t for you…accept to marry & pambana na hali yako pole pole as you sing ‘family’ na ni kunguru tu imekuketia chapo na kichwa.