The matiangi effect

Sasa matiangi angekuwa kwa ministry of health si watoto wangekuwa wanazaliwa immediately after sex


He he he!
Pangi si mpoka!

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heheeeeeee ukueli

matiangi is now becoming a nuisance …how can he interfere woth transport ministry saying driving school blah! blah! hajatosheka na two ministries? ama anataka aonyeshe watu hawajui kazi yeye ndo anajuA? N by the way…sasa yeye hupokea mshahara ya two CSs? na kama ni hivyo ni wanaume kenya imekosa ndo mtu apewe kazi ministry mbiri?


kill yourself

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Matiang’i ni top scorer. Don’t hate him for being brilliant and hardworking because you’re implicitly supporting mediocrity


cunt relate…

Infact Dr Matiang’i can comfortably handle 4 ministries. Apewe transport na Health docket pia. Or we just elect him President. Watu wa Kenya yafaa wanyoroshwe wakuje laini.


Matiangi also supports mediocrity. Akisema Traffic police na NTSA ndio watadumisha usalama barabarani despite the two being the cause of the madness on our roads, hio sio mediocrity?


Those who profit from selling exams and lazy teachers really tried to dissuade him when he started the reforms. School after school were burning up trying to fight back reforms.
Matiang’i is the 400 pound gorilla. He’s left standing when the saboteurs are all on the floor. They’ll be reading about him in 15 years if he doesn’t change and allow himself to be corrupted


So traffic police persuade drivers to drive carelessly… The problem is with our drivers…cunts and idiots can’t see anything good in matiangi


vile aliingilia hiyo story na transport na akasema what uhunye wants, ilikaa ni kama vile mtoto hutumwa kuita mzazi! so cs macharia is the student and matiangi ni mzazi.


Stop adopting a narrow perspective. Look at the objectives of Ntsa na traffic police then tell me if they have Fidelity to them. They don’t. Thus driver can afford to be reckless as they know the two institutions do not carry out their mandate thus stupid and avoidable accidents.
Asking the same people who have contributed to the madness to correct the situation while we all know they have got no intention to do so is stupid. By the way, we have been here before. Nithi bridge, deadly Langata Road accidents, Naivasha Road explosion name them. The reaction is always the same. Knee jerk. What makes you think it will be different just because of Matiangi?


wise analysis

Hawajui kazi!