Currently on youtube. This is why dislike button was disabled.
But hbo have also dropped the best shows ever.Maybe that’s why it’s popping.
I never criticized HBO.
@nelo angelo What are your favourite movies/shows this year. I’m curious because you only post about shows that attract majorly negative reactions. I presume you don’t actually watch them…
PS: Did not know about this show and I will be checking it out.
This year I would say jack ryan, midnight mass, squid game, criminal, DP, hellbound and See most of the series I am watching are old.
Movies I would pick snyder cut, tomorrow war, dune, raging fire and venom. These to me were not boring and I would pick dune as my favourite this year.
Most of the movies and series coming out this year are bordering on trash.
So why not post more about those you like so we can also get some cool recommendations?
If you haven’t watched most of these that are making the internet irate for one reason or another why participate in the outrage if I could call it that…
I have recommended several movies and series hadi nimeweka trailers.
Movies ni kama products unanunua kwa jumia: kama ikona low ratings from consumers you do not buy and there is nothing wrong with sharing about it with others.
Of course there’s nothing wrong. Just wanted to make a suggestion. Personally, most of the things I consume I just read the synopsis to see if it’s up my alley. I find the internet reactions (from movies to games to music) are almost always overblown with majority just jumping on a bandwagon.
It depends on where you are reading those comments. Kama mimi nikioana movie iko rated 1 or 10 kwa comments section of IMDB without any synopsis I ignore because I know its review bombing.
But the above series ni special case its just bad. Even the trailer proves it.