The Feast of Trumpets, October 2-4, 2024

Every year in the Millennium, after Jesus returns, we will hear the trumpet blast on the first day of the seventh month and celebrate the Feast of Trumpets.


Because the Feast of Trumpets, above all other biblical feast days, is the appointed time that celebrates the Kingship of the Messiah and His reign.

Originally, the Feast of Trumpets was a memorial of the events at Mount Sinai (Lev. 23:24), which represented the first time Israel heard the trumpet blast and enthroned God as their King (Ex. 19:16-19).

Many of the Hebrew prophets, however, also reveal that believers will encounter the Messiah on Mount Zion in the Millennium, and will at that time hear the trumpet blast, enthrone Him as the King of Kings, and receive His law (Isa. 2:1-5; 27:13, 18:3-7; Ps. 47:5-9).

Ever seen in a movie how the coronation or enthronement of a King is announced with trumpet blasts?

That is what’s happening every year during the Feast of Trumpets, and it is what we will celebrate every year in the Millennium in the seventh month.

We blow the trumpet (shofar) to announce the reign of the King, knowing that we will hear the trumpet year after year in the Messianic Age as we worship the Lord on Mount Zion.

Take heart, beloved, the corrupt governments of this world will soon fall, and in that day there will only be one King and Sovereign of the earth.

The Feast of Trumpets, which begins October 2, is a foretaste of much greater things to come.

Maranatha! Lord, please come quickly! :pray::pray: