When we got to the dimly lit dance floor, there was a very serious lingala playing, Extra Musica’s etat major played back to back with Awilo’s gate le coin. This was followed by Defao and some very great lingala tracks before the DJ brought us to a stop with a very sweet announcement.
He was requesting men to move away a little"chuo oyaw" so that he could introduce the ladies who were still hiding in the dark. Si mnajua vile wanapenda kujifanya. Akasema hiyo track anaweka next ni ya kukaribisha madem kwa uwanja na akadunga Ntombi(South African). Sisi tukasonga kando kidogo but as soon as the first batch of ladies stepped into the floor, we were back to try their feet, this was called kionjo. Hiyo ngoma ni zile za kurukaruka, so madem waingie wakitoa baridi na aibu ndogo ndogo. Kionjo ilikuwa inamaanisha kabla waanze kuchukua pesa za kudance na hawa madem, lazima mpewe free trials.
Kidogo kidogo wakapangwa kwa line na wakapewa number, from one to twenty na wale waliona hawako fit wakatolewa na wakawadeclare numberless, hapo ukishika ni free, hakuna kulipishwa. Hapo unapata amateurs na watoto wa hiyo home na wageni. So ilikuwa ukishika dame unalipa 50ct, this was late 90s. Mtu akitaka yule dame unadance naye, aneaenda pale kwa DJ anasema namba ya huyo dame, analipa 50ct na utaskia DJ akitangaza number flani aache kudance na 50ct. This would continue mpaka ifike bob, two bob hata ten bob. Hapa ulikuwa unakagua dame, unalipia hiyo number na unaingia na hata ulikuwa unaezaitisha track unataka unachezewa at a fee. Ukitaka kutongoza itabidi ulipe pesa mingi yenye huwezitolewa mpaka umalize kuongea na dame ama unabonga na DJ poa akushield mpaka umalize.
Mtu akitoa ten bob for example, ukitaka kumtoa mpaka ulipe more than that ndio akuachilie dame, na kudance ilikuwa unashika mtu unadara hapo viserious some leading to coitus later.
So mimi nlikuwa nachagua yule mrembo nataka, nalipa twenty bob, si unajua vile ukitoka town unajichocha uko loaded, alafu DJ anamdeclare out of bounds the whole night. Form sasa ni kubuy koo mrembo amumunye tukichora na jeshi langu vile tutatoka na huyo dame bila fracas coz unaezapata bf wake ako hapo na hana kitu kwa hivo haeziafford kudance naye hapo ama bro wake ako hapo anamchunga kinyama.
Playlist ikatoka kwa lingala tukaingia ragga, akina cocacola shape, makarena, murder she wrote, you know them. Tukaingia reggae masaa nane hapo, mimi na dame bado, saiyo we’re thoroughly wet, hakuna kitu sijampromise. Hata kama ni Nai ntapanga nimpeleke aone tu, hahaha meanwhile am a student nko holidays.
Fortunately, DJ akatangaza wanaume waachie madem nafasi kidogo wakimbie wakojoe ndio warudi, advantage pap. Hivo ndio nilitoka kwa dance, glided smoothly into the darkness na mrembo na nikapotea kabisa. Hiyo twenty bob yangu haiezienda tu ivo bure, coitus lazima. Kitu kama hiyo ukifanya, huendi na njia straight unaezafuatwa upigwe panga, you change route na ujue wale maboys tayari wako radar ambapo hata kama ni vita, wacha inuke. So unanimously we agreed to cool our loins in the green lodges kabla tufike home “this was a precaution just in case kitu ifanyike nikose hii puthy”. I could hear the track Abaguimo in the distance but suddenly it stopped na nikaskia nduru ikifuatia. Nilijua tayari kumeumana but I didn’t care, ni vitu za kawaida kwa disco matanga, after all I had reaped big. Wale watu wa kuuza koo na Big G I hope you’re deep into biz siku hizi.
Hekaya fiti… sasa mlifika kejani ama mlimalizia kukamua musituni
Kejani ndio nikamue vizuri
pokea like… :D:D:D I can relate well well… nostalgia inatwanga Mimi kama burkenge… these days hii madame kwa line haiko kwa disco matanga…the gold old days are gone
Nikiwa high school, nilitomba dame ya mtu hizo miaka (mid 90’s) kwa disco matanga oshago tukiwa December holidays, hiyo kuma ilikuwa MOTO na tiiiight- lakini manzi alikuwa ananuka jasho kama gym ya Kibera. Word went round and the BF got wind of the story, nikawekewa wanted na huyo boy. Nilimaliza miaka tatu kama sijakanyaga ocha, family ikienda ocha mimi nilikuwa nabaki mtaani naambia buda ati awache nichunge nyumba. Today, they are happily married and blessed with around 11 kids. They run a small hotel hapo Mundika market in Busia, mimi hupitia hapo kula madondo na chapo tukicheka hiyo story na huyo mama. The bill is usually something to do with 50 bob but I usually leave her with a minimum of a 1000/- anytime I pop in. She’s fucking UGLY, I wonder how I used to get a bonner for her, but I console myself that I was just a naive and broke teenager then…
swafi. So pesa zote DJ alikua anakula ama?
It was like a fundraising, part of the money went to the bereaved family