Mombasani tumelaaniwa
Youth captured on cctv ferking a cat in old Town mtaa wa inglani.
He was later arrested and am wondering why hakupewa kichapo cha umbwa mskitini.
Our young boys and girls are not safe with this kind of guys walking around freely
Wah, huo ni ukatili
this is absolutely DISGUSTING!
Jeeesu! Afasary wale wa kiambull kuchangamkia mbuzi.
bure kabisa
ni ucatili kabisa…
Waaaah hii itabidii nisiwatch l cant even imagine
Fuck it …tsk
ferking a cat? how now?______
lakini hii ndiyo shida ya kukazia vijana kutotongoza wasichana - beastiality!!
Very disgusting. Most probably a drug addict.
Wangemfanya hivi
Not a single joke about smashing the pussy?
Elders wamekuwa very mature siku hizi
If you direct translate the word pussy to Swahili that’s what you get
paka inaweza kubali kitu kama hiyo kweli
Alisikia pussy akathani ni paka shume… Bola alimwaga
nw this is crazy
shame on you all guys up there who cannot see a troubled kid who needs a lot of help…
Fingering is the right word