I stole this somewhere and I had to rummage through my personal archives. This was triggered by a comment by @wheelz at http://www.kenyatalk.com/index.php?threads/my-sizs-married-neighbour.8496/page-3
It’s a long post but take your time and read it. I promise you it’s worthwhile.
The Six stages of deception
Deception is a process by which wrong becomes right, and right becomes wrong. It’s a complete paradigm shift of opinions, standards and morals that is achieved softly, subtly and often takes a generation to entrench into society. If you want to know what I am talking about, find out your mother’s views on things like sexuality and marriage and compare them with yours. The contrast in opinions does not necessarily prove that she is old and antiquated; it may instead prove that you have been deceived.
There are six stages of deception.
[li]The shocker[/li][li]The outrage[/li][li]The discussion[/li][li]Tolerance[/li][li]Acceptance[/li][li]Veneration[/li][/ol]
If I wanted to popularize the most unimaginable thing in our society, say like bestiality (the practice of having sex with animals). I would follow these steps.
I would select a forerunner to drop the shocking message on an unsuspecting public. “We should start having sex with animals,” he would announce on radio, TV or in a newspaper.
That is the shocker; the bombshell, so to speak. It would inevitably be followed by outrage. The forerunner is abused and demonized by the bewildered public. Every respected leader in society comes out to slam the lamentable reprobate who dared suggest something so obnoxious. The forerunner defiantly defends the practice. His critics come out even more scathing. But the forerunner knows exactly what he is doing. He is setting an agenda. Many people don’t understand the effect of continuous exposure on the human mind.
I will give an example most of you will understand. If you ask a girl out and she is not interested in you, the best thing she can do for herself is stay away from you or your words. If she continues listening to you, what was initially unthinkable becomes worth a consideration, then acceptable. Many ladies have fallen for guys they swore never to date just because they didn’t understand the law of continuous exposure.
Once the bestiality message reaches the third stage; discussion, the forerunner has done his job. At this stage there is a big debate over bestiality; with most people still slamming it, not knowing that they are falling into a trap.
I know for a fact that homosexual groups abroad were giving money to people fighting homosexuality in Uganda. Then they would also fund those pushing for it. Initially it didn’t make sense. Until I learnt how deception works. What they wanted was to keep the subject of homosexuality in public debate. They know exactly what they were doing. The more people are exposed to it through discussion, the more it becomes less obnoxious in their minds.
That leads to the next stage: Tolerance. At this stage people say: “I am not going to have sex with animals, but if someone chooses to do it, shauri yake (that’s his problem). Others will say: “Who cares what people do behind closed doors?”
I have heard these statements being made by people who clearly don’t understand what they are up against.
This is the stage at which science kicks in to ‘prove’ that some people are born with an inherent attraction towards animals and they cannot help themselves. Consequently, bestiality is included in the UN Human Rights Charter and activists are given a new pursuit. Economic and travel sanctions are used to twist the arms of nations that still forbid it.
Then we start hearing phrases like: “We cannot tell people whom they should love.”
The main purpose of this stage is to ensure that bestiality is legally accepted. The next two steps are aimed at entrenching it at a social level.
The penultimate stage is
Acceptance. At this stage bestiality becomes a conventional alternative way of living. All the outrage has since dissipated. This is the stage at which those still opposed to it are called bestiaphobic (the word will be coined) and they are considered antiquated, old-fashioned, intolerant, dogmatic, religious zealots, bigots…. you’ve heard all those words.
This is the stage at which there are bestiality rights parades in major cities.
Then we are reminded that the same book in the Bible that forbids bestiality also forbids eating pork. Then ‘intellectuals’ think use that to rubbish the Word of God, and make it look ridiculous.
The final step is Veneration. This is the stage at which the people who practice bestiality are praised. The liberalist media (which includes almost all international channels) subtly promotes them as ‘cool’, intelligent, exposed. That’s the stage at which celebrities ‘come out’ to reveal that they are ‘proud bestialists’.
Then bestiality begins to win fresh ‘converts’ everyday because many young people will do anything to be seen as ‘cool’ or to be associated with some Hollywood or football star. That is how you corrupt a whole society.
That’s how previously unthinkable things like atheism and homosexuality and all other forms of sexual perversion have taken root in our society. Unfortunately, in Uganda, homosexuality has reached Stage four (Tolerance). But in the West, it has gotten to the veneration stage. You have probably heard of the black homo American footballer who “made history by becoming the first footballer to come out”. What’s historical about someone proclaiming their perversion?
So many other people are being lauded in the media for no other reason other than their homosexuality.
Your mother may not be outdated after all. You may be deceived.
If you found this enlightening, share it with as many people as possible. It might just save them from the ever-widening canyon of deception…
Dear Listers/Talkers, at what stage are we as regards the myriad social vices we are facing today, inclusive of adultery? To quote the said user, “If I may ask, where does it stop? If you kula a married woman, why not kula your mate’s wife? Or his daughter, sister or mother…”
I ask the same question[I][/I]