The antichrist (Trump) will succeed in everything he does. Daniel 11:36

If it wasn’t clear already after Biden’s disastrous debate performance.

The way has been paved for the antichrist.

Repent! The Kingdom of God is at hand. God help us all!


Trump to liberate us all.”

Do you realize how blasphemous your statement is and how you’re playing right into the antichrist delusion about a vile, non-godly, vengeful person being the savior of the world?

Instead of praying to God who’s the only One capable of saving the world most people praying for TRUMP to do it.

Brother you need DISCERNMENT!!

Obama, Biden and the Leftist globalists represent OVERT EVIL, which doesn’t need discernment as everyone can see it. They stand for wars, LGBTQ, pedophilia, abortion, communism, enslavement etc. They belong in the abhorrent BABYLON camp.

But this kind of stuff is bait, meant to leave you focused on external evils that take no Holy Spirit to discern.

Satan knows most people only walk by sight, and can only recognize evil if it is obviously wicked in appearance.

But how does evil, being Satan, operate biblically?

More by outright opposition and easy-to-discern wickedness? Or through subtle infiltration and clever imitation?

This strong lack of spiritual discernment is creating a perfect storm for apostasy, the prophesied falling away. That’s why the true deceivers (TRUMP & MAGA WORLD) are actively fooling many.

It’s funny, the Bible says that only those with the Holy Spirit will be able to discern the deceptions of the adversary.

So the very fact that so many who are not in Christ are “figuring out the deception” is proof that the real deception is so much deeper than what is presented!

The Bible says in Matthew 7:14, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Another very common misconception is that the Antichrist would be easily recognized by the church.

Satan’s ultimate deception is for God’s elect, not for the unbelievers. That’s why the Antichrist rises from right under the noses of the church.

We can see this happening now with Donald Trump.

Trump never cared about God. He’s a deceiver who’s out to deceive conservatives, both spiritually and psychologically, bringing them into the fold of false light. Quintessential wolf in sheep’s clothing.

As it is written: it is better to trust in the Lord.

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Trump failed in the Casino Business, Aircraft Charter business etc. so right from the onset your heading is wrong

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Do you know the meaning of POTUS? There is no other position on earth higher than President of the United States. NONE.

Based on the fact that Trump won in ‘16, that negates any investment challenges he had in his youth.

Moreover shouldn’t a convicted felon, a twice impeached bonafide criminal be in jail? How is he able to run for re-election and win the polls by a wide margin? No other politician has ever mustered the art of deceit and bamboozlery like Trump.

The reason why they can’t bring him down is because of the prophecy, “he will succeed in everything he does.” He will also be extremely successful in crushing the leftists and installing the mark of the beast. The book of Revelation says that he will be given power of all humanity who are left behind after the rapture, people of all nationalities. Anyone who resists the beast system will be beheaded (Rev 20:4).

That the Democrat Party is unable to, either by incompetence or some sort of psychological inertia, field another candidate shows that a powerful outer-worldly force is behind Trump’s inevitable win.

These events were prophesied by prophet Daniel more than 4,000 years ago and is happening now before our eyes. Maajabu!

The debate between The Con Man and The Old Man was brutal but not unusual.

Barack Obama under-performed too on the first debate toward his second term, but he rebounded and overcame the deficit. GW Bush too.

I support msiiito kiongoss trump coz he isn’t a homosexual, he doesn’t interfere with other countries, he isn’t a pervert like biden who loves minors , he pays whores just like we talkers , he is sometimes conned by slut just like talkers ,.
If trump is the antichrist I think am the devil. Am a bigger sinner than trump even filthy Jews God knows that .

okey. :neutral_face: