I’m writing to thank you all Kenyans who welcomed us when we were in exile. Our Jamii forum has back, so we will see you next time. No one knows what can happen because our leader is not predictable.
We had good time here so we will not forget your generosity!
Finally Rudini Kwenu…Your Kiswahili was Annoying and your threads made me cringe everytime I logged in…Karibuni Tena but not anytime soon… wait for another 8 years
Omdoa shaka lengo ni ujumbe tu kufika mbona hata nyie Kiswahili chenu hakiko sawa sana ila tunakivumilia tu. Usipende sana critics penda contents ndugu, Kingereza hata Trump anamake errors
We have decided to donate to you two species: @Budspencer and @uwesmake . Please take it as an act of generosity to carry these two balanoglosusses along with you.You might find their use as you give them a new home. Kwaheri la kuonana
Kheee kheeee I can see your efforts to improve your Kiswahili. Good luck and all the best. Always remember that practice make it perfect BAK hatakucheka.
I’m writing to thank you all Kenyans who welcomed us when we were in exile. Our Jamii forum has back, so we will see you next time. No one knows what can happen because our leader is not predictable.
We had good time here so we will not forget your generosity!
Thas good,it shows how gratitude you are[/QUOTE]
Ni kweli kabisa hatutaacha kuja kusalimia kijijini. Tuliishi vyema sana ni kwetu sasa, na ndiyo maana hara sisi tulikuwa veiled kama wana kikijiji na si wageni.