:D:D:DGuys second day and bet is greeeen…nani anataka tuendelee
[COLOR=rgb(65, 168, 95)][SIZE=7]Tuendelee ama tusi endelee[/SIZE]
I need interests ya wana kijiji
Odds zikiendelea hivi (wins) utakua Admin Wa Kenya talk soon
Tennis is easy to predict if you know players well
nba pia niko sawa. .starting next week
it seems you know your tennis. I had Del potro moneyline,am lucky that he retired because he was definately losing that match.
Delpo had flu and cold all this week…ningepea Coric win only you cant trust these youngsters
if you had a big bankroll, betting like 10k per bet then you would make good money with your tennis knowledge.
Odds zinakaa aje?
Endelea wefwe!
Netxt week ni far.anza kesho tuumize muhindi kapisa
Refreshing page at 10 weka zingine.
Odds lazima ziwe za upus…1.69 et al.
betting ni haram
You came through
funny in the last threads… Hizi blue handles zilichingulia tu
Match fixing and it relation to betting