We all know the passport saga happening in Nyayo House so I don’t need to give any context there.
Here’s the thing, some people are planning to eat mightily and feasting they shall. How? The gov’t plans on leasing passport printing machines from private investors. If you’ve been around government eaters then you understand that this fiasco has been planned by a small cabal that operates somewhere in one of those high end bars in Nairobi majioni (Galileo lounge is one of them).
Another one of many scandals in Kenya. Previously, we had the health fiasco that was created by Ngatia and co. pale Galileo where COVID masks were going for billions. Recently, ati stima inapotea Kenya mzima. Someone is planning to eat via offering generator installation services for billions in fees. Remember this is a country that had a scandal where people literally sold air for billions.
Kenya is really full of drama. Tenderpreneurs will eat!
With all these shenanighans in the public domain, all of you still seek government approvals, permissions and ‘services’ to live your lives ‘legally’. Talk of cognitive dissonance at its best.