That is too much work, how does this guy keep up? inafikanga place mtu anachoka especially if you have four women that all believe they are your main chick with goodnight and I love you messages. A real fisi may have three different girls that he can get goodies from with relative ease whenever he wants without lying to them that he loves them. It would be mean to make all of them believe you have a future with them
utapasuka msamba kama fisi.
Too many balls in the air…simply a waste of mental energy.
Annoying indeed!
wanaitwa “barely legal”
Too much work…faking emotions and shit. Plus that nigga got too much time on his hands, probably 19-23
The Mitchelle looks like a sugar mommy
yep hiyo age group when all you do is go to college and party you can maintain such a harem of beauties, but 25+, working and studying where you only meet the chic over the weekends ni ngumu unless you inherited billions and don’t need to actively work
Hiyo sio ufisi.Hiyo ni kujiwaste.
hehe…I can hardly keep two women. one becomes a bother.
si you just put them all in one group? it will cut your work down like 80%
there is no hyenaness there. that is emotional conmanship.
Envious niggas everywhere!
Nigga is not complaining so why should you?
he is actually having his cake and eating it…not that i approve though…
Valentine ikikaribia boyfriends hutafta njia zote ku break up.
“Mbona unaniangalia hivo? Unaangalia kama mimi niko msawa kama side boy wako sindio? Its over!!”
Aaaargh… Who still writes good night/morning texts in this age yawa?
Construct several texts za gdnght/mrng then create a script that chooses one everyday say at 7am every morning itachagua one of the messages at random n send to her. U can use tasker too for that.
Kama huyu who put all his exes in one group