TBT - Miguna Edition






Hehehe uko na ujinga… Shit was funny though


bado tu mi hujiuliza kimtu mso amebeba Feya kwa mbosho toka keja mpaka war zone, ukitoka nayo ngware unauliza bibi nileetee feya yangu ama unaisunda pahali ndo utoke chini chini


Hii itakuwa kwa history books come 2098…
History Paper 1, Question 3: In the year 2012 or thereabouts, a heroic action from one man saved Mombasa from a lot of mouth running. Name the hero: a. Tistroya b. Destroyer c. Tikteta d. Miguna Miguna
From your answer iin question 3 above, what weapon did the hero use to disperse the subject of his furore?

hehehehehehehe. usikuwe surprised kizee. people do worse.

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in local dialect, inaitwa KATUNJA, the common name Feya was the weapon used to stop the running mouth of the victimi Miguna Miguna at the hand of his assailant “B” Destroyer but the pukukusu sheperts call him “a” testroyer

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Hehe Destroyed

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Hehe.mara ya mwisho niliskia hiyo jina nilikuwa kipii