Growing up as boys there was no shortage of crushes. It could be the girl next door whose mum thought you were a good for nothing lout or the mum of your best friend .
For me all girls I had seen lost their allure when I watched ’ A Bronx tale’. That night I had my first wet dream :D:D:D.
Later I came to know the girl (now woman) was called Taral Hicks.
The tape was rented and I watched it so many times till my mum had to tell the tape guy not to rent it to me again :mad:.
When I laid eyes on that girl my mouth went dry. Kwanza that killer smile. For so long I wanted to immigrate to the USA just for her before utoto ikaisha kichwa :rolleyes:.
Almost settled down with her Kenyan lookalike years later before a mzungu whisked her away to Switzerland :(:(:(.
She also acted in Belly (1998).
Also dropped a couple of songs.
Kuna kadem nikiwa class five alikuwa naitwa SONII nilikapenda sana then neiba fulani mdorobo kujichocha matupac nikawapata kwa bush pamoja nkkkt feelings karibu ziniuwe.
I also knew a very beautiful Gathoni :rolleyes:. Hii mambo ya wazazi kuhamahama serikali iingilie kati. could be breaking up future couples :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Hehehe. I had one crush and was being hit on by 6 boys at the sane time. I loved the attention, my crush was among the six, and he became my boyfriend for about a week and then I dumped him because there were always girls around him. I was in class six then.
I had a serious crush on some lass who only had eyes for my big bro. The four year age difference did not help things as she saw me as a baby. Every time nikijaribu kuangusha lines she asks me about my bro. Funny thing my bro had no intentions on her hadi siku moja kwa ka random house bash dem akamgawa hiyo kitu akidhani atamnasa. The way my bro told me afterwards about their tryst dismissively ati “Kale kadem ule sis ya Roba jana aligawa maku ghafla. Ka ningejua ni vajo huko singeingia.” Them words were like a stake driven right through my pubescent heart. Crush hadi iligeuka chuki nilikuwa naona huyo dem mtaani siku inaharibika. Saw her a few years back in tao with three kids in tow na hiyo black yake imecrack. Aliniangusha mbaya.
I had afew crashes during my preteen n teen life but fell in love for the fisrt time nikiwa class 8 with this beautiful chiq from our hood who schooled in a different school.She was a year behind me in classes.Her mum hated my gutts but hivo hivo nilifukuzia yeye.We latter enrolled to high school,still in differnt school while dating.We dated all through high school n campus then i latter married her pretty face.
She now wakes up beside me each morning.
Wairimu… a neighbour tukiwa Buru after amenitolea siruali April holiday narudi shule then nakuja na psych august holidays napata walihama… felt lk killing someone
Had/Have this crush on this mama called Victoria went to nursery then primary together class 8 nikamnununlia success card zile zinatoshana NY Times na nikampea hadharani, many years later we found ourselves living in the same mtaa lakini niliwekwa friend zone4life mpaka nikachoka kuomba, still bump into each other in the local supermarket and she is still devastatingly gorgeous
Mblo ninamake progress polepole tu she has been to my place twice since hiyo wakati she is letting her guard down over whisky, cooking (anapenda sana) etc will bid my time there though mpaka akue very very relaxed in my presence then one thing will lead to another: nimechora hio mpango ikachoreka ndugu but no hurry
The final answer lies with the lass. You better pose the question straight and know right away whether she views you as a “good friend” or potential dry fry material. Wanaume tunajidanganyanga sana ati oh sijui ni lugha kali ama pesa ama cologne kali na upus ingine mob. Pink handle akitaka umdryfry ni hivo whether you cute or ugly, rich or poor. Hoyo decision wanamake-ingi haraka sana. A wise man told me you shoot your shot straight and fast. All the female friends I have I have tried to ferk. Wao ndo walisema hakuna venye ndo tunakua mabeshte na hakuna ubaya ama sour grapes afterwards. Kila mtu anajua limits