Longer time
Tombwa Yeye
Bwana Commisioner hapo umenionea.Sijazungumzia mambo ya ngono tangu November last year.
Agwas since uwache pombe and lanye have you noted any change in your life?..Toa ushuhuda ubadilishe wafuasi wa team lanye kama msito @Mzee Mashavu.
Dokatari @rexxsimba kesi yake ni tofauti…hula tu kwa macho
It’s a good thing if you changed your ways
Finances zime improve tangu niache pombe.Halafu nikienda rodi my pace imeimprove from 7mins 30sec per km to 5mins 20secondsbper km nikienda long run.Nimenotice recovery from kuhema is faster.Maze alcohol is just poison if drunk in excess.Nilikua nahema ka shiet.
Kuna improvement ya finances pia after kuacha kufyetua malaya.Hizo ma thao mbili za madem wa massage sikuizi nazieka kwa better use.
Nice. shikilia tu hapo
Can’t blame them. What’s life without sex buana? Pple work and live for sex. Empires have been brought down because of sex. Sex maintains generations.
many are missing from the list
A juvenile mafwi tucker tucker umama thread
Bibi hukutoa nje bado avae clothes ex-uber driver ?
@Baby Panay huuza mkundu AIDS infested 50 bob dandora
Oya uwesmakei naskia video yako ya threesome ukiwa na @TrumanCapote na @Finest wine ime surface pale Chaturbate.Tuma kitu mkuu.
umesahau uwesmakende
How did the @The guy miss from this list.
Because am not obsessed
Niliwai Toa Maganda ya maembe kwa kuma ya mama @PHARMACY nikimtomba pale mlolongo na finje
@Thirimaii umesahau
Kisha ukaimeza ehhh? Mimi nikideenyer bbabako mcoondur ni maganda ya miwa huwa inanisumbuako
Huyo case yake ni tofauti