Do I even need to say more??? Reaping where you have not sowed is a very disgusting disease…
Edit: Mulinge earned her position while Wambui is a cheap opportunist, compare and contrast!!!
Do I even need to say more??? Reaping where you have not sowed is a very disgusting disease…
Edit: Mulinge earned her position while Wambui is a cheap opportunist, compare and contrast!!!
sasa hii ngombe inafikiria kama mende imekunywa sumu inasema nini? We are not in your brain son how do you expect us to deduce what’s happening here?
what do you reap from a sore? Pus?
It’s this crop of halfwits and jaffheads that’s turning this village into a dingy muguka kibanda.
Facts are facts whether you run away from them or not… let the village burn up
Who are you to say “let the village burn”, Nero?
you expect this one to know about something that happened in 64 AD?
wewe ndio umereap where you have sown. Gonorrhea wewe!!!
Hey, don’t bring muguka into this.
Mwalim, you probably mean ‘pus’?
noun: pus
[li]a thick yellowish or greenish opaque liquid produced in infected tissue, consisting of dead white blood cells and bacteria with tissue debris and serum.[/li]synonyms:matter, suppuration, discharge, secretion;
“the boil may be lanced to drain the pus”
yessir. thanks.
Good people,who are y’all talking about? Before we even talk about reaping and sored.
I see where you stand…
Anunda Sakwa you have a very tiny brain. How have the two ladies reaped where they have not sown? Did they conspire to kill Mr Bob?
I said “vs”, meaning Mulinge earned her position while Wambui is a cheap opportunist
Your mother must also have been a cheap opportunist for getting married to your father!
Sylvia sexier, smarter, more gracious and independent… Wambui is trash…A cumhole for old geezers as long as they have a bank account… I despise people like Wambui
you must be a creation freak who’s balls are in place of the brains and vice versa
Imajine them at the work place!