Surrendered Congo mercenaries say the M23 are actually Rwanda army


The chickens are slowly coming home to roost for Dikteta Paul Kagame.
He triggered the worst genocide by shooting down President Juvenile Hyabarimana’s plane, then stood aside for 100 days as he watched his people murder each other with the most crude weapons.

The he pretended to be a saviour and heaped the blame on France.
He expelled the Hutus from Rwanda systematically.
Now he wants to expand his territory by force while heaping the blame on anyone but himself.

Suranne Jones Drama GIF by BBC


He has always been a con. His time is up. Good that Germany, Uk have already cut aid to him.


Boy wa Putin Niko nyuma ya Kagame.


Niggas be hating on Rwanda for defying vumbistan standards & outcomes by actually building a functional country.


Kagame has better brains than our own Nabii. Border to Rwanda on lake kivu are savage humans, they need to be exterminated and DRC should be governed by msito kagame. Goma should bombed to stoneage tuanze fresh


This is like praising somalia if they used alkebabs to capture kenian towns and territory.

Nobody gives af about somalia, just like no one gives a shit about drc. They’re savages and nothing will ever salvage the situation in either case. FFS, if I hear anyone mention ‘natural resources’ in drc one more time…! It doesn’t matter how much you’ve got in resources if you’re a corrupt, low IQ, unevolved lot.

Which is worse, a neighbour fighting in a war next door or a Romanian fighting in a war thousands of miles away from home

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I’d prefer a romanian coming from thousands of miles to protect and save me than a next door neighbour who attacks me and steals from me.

Hiyo ni ukweli mtupu.

Who is the m23

Rwanda is the biggest coltan exporter, minerals stolen from DRC.

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Who is the Romanian saving? They are all there to kill and make a pathway for looting. As Mutabaruka said, there are no martyrs

They are private soldiers hired by Congo to help it protect (save) it’s territory and citizens from rwandan invaders. Hata wewe you’d hire armed men to protect your land if your neighbour in the village tried to invade it and it doesnt mean that the hired vijana have come loot your property.


At this stage of the crisis in Congo, if I didn’t know who M23 was, I wouldn’t let it be know publicly by asking such a idiotic question mbele ya wazee wazima.


Sina upingamizi wala la kuongezea ee Bw. Landlord

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Rwanda isn’t functional faggot. It’s a police state under Tutsi minority rule. It’s also poorer than Tanzania.

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Mwalimu Kabarenga explained the Banyamulenge issue very succinctly

cry more cunt