Sunday Tutorial 1

For the benefit of the Ignorant and Juveniles in here , every Sunday , I intend to post a mini tutorial for their education …:D:D




Blah blah blah. Too much science. All a juvenile needs to learn from the tutoral is that simple, yet complex, phrase: to mediate sexual arousal.

Even that would need deciphering to the majority of Juveniles in here … :D:D

You have to start with a linguistics lesson. Explain the literal semantic meaning of the phrase, before you go into the contextual, and long before you think of getting into the practical. Simply put, you have to explain how to prepare to have sex, not how to have sex. The latter can fill volumes

Ok …
As in …
1/ Pull down your trousers.
2/ Make sure your toothpick is erect … ???

That’s jumping the gun–unafaa kuchapwa makofi. Those are abrupt, startling moves to pull when she’s not even thinking you possess one. Then you even dare reveal a toothpick. If you can get her so curious as to do the pulling herself, you’ve won.

caring for female pleasure is beta. Alfa meos tunawatumia kama substitute wa Palmela, tukishamaliza ni hivo

kuna dem ako na kuma kubwa siku mmoja akilewa napanga nimtombe kwa hio urethral opening

Uwes, you are overthinking.