Stupid Western feminazi

Stupid feminazis defending womens right to hit men and not to expect men to fight back, bure kabisa.

Sasa rousey ama vanessa Williams akipiga wewe ukunje mkia??

According to feminazis yes.

owesskupali. owess na owess!

I hope they also don’t expect that if an enemy female soldier shoots at you don’t shoot back. Mwanamke akituma ngumi anafaa kujitiyarisha kupokea furushi aka lifundo moja imekula ugali proper.


A woman slaps me, I slap back… Ile ya kutingisha akili. She hits using fists,… RKO Central ama suplex city! If you can fight, so can I, and since us men were told that anything and everything is about winning,… Apantambua upuss.

utter bullshit ati men should only respond when their lives are threatened. ha!

Feminazi wanakuanga deluded. They live in a bubble, but it is a good thing they are getting exposed.

For “equality” (what they fight for) to prevail, the field has to be level. You hit me, I hit back (harder).

Huyo dere amejibu poa “you want to be a man, I am going to treat you as a man”