Sticking more than brothers... Unbreakable bond?

Who controls the past controls the future, who controls the present controls the past.
You are made to think that what you read is true and that you can actually verify by visiting the location to “witness” or “see” for yourself. Those places belong to the Elite and are their focal point of contact and control on the masses through religion, culture and economy while you are one of their many robots/slave working your ass out to pay bills and taxes to them.

Israel is overrated, there have been greater civilizations in history na hazisumbui.


The middle east is a case of family rivalry. Brothers and cousins…
Nothing more to it. Just family business.

Just look at what modern Israel has been able to achieve and you will know the promise is on them. Hii mambo ya oooh historical Isareal ohh is nether here nor there, however much you want to argue.

Ooh my goodness, there are actually educated adults who believe those Jewish tales? I this information age

Israel has never been a great civilization. Not now, not in history.

Which Jewish tales?

The current Jews are not the original Jews and they are called Khazarian Jews. They are actually white people

Uncle Trump 4 more years