Standard And Their Poor Editorial Standards

Who reports death with a meme?

some sub-editor trying to think outside the box

sure! They even make daily nation’s Philip Ochieng’ job easy. picking on their grammar and use of language every time.

@gashwin would have a field day with these guys. Such bad writing.

@kijanamrefu - i gave up on the buggers, and their brothers on Kimathi street a long time ago. these days i only by the (sub)Standard for the crossword and codeword-and even that they will mismatch the clues with the grid at least once a week. kwanza Nation kuna hii ka-column that they have started on page 11 ati “Talk of the Town” in their (poor) attempt at going gutter that tells exactly zero. kweli haya maganzeti ni ya kufungia nyama na kumask magari yakipigwa rangi…

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:smiley: Kweli ni ya kufunga nyama. Hata digital edition I just skim through it and I’m done in 2 mins.

that’s what you get when the management places a notice for voluntary early retirement of 250 employees


They and Nation have perfected the art of firing experienced writers and exploiting graduates who they pay 250/= (before tax) for those brief tu-stories you find in the counties roundup. I mean, how do you pay a fullgrown man with bills to pay shs 250; hata mama wa nguo anadai soo tatu siku hizi…

it’s a nice way of saying if your services are not critical to the company or you are not popular with the masses then it’s time to move on…it’s abut the numbers

Since Klist, I have told you guys about these nyangaus. I once worked for them, so I know them inside out.

THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH OUR MEDIA IS THE EXTREMELY POOR PAY FOR KEY PERSONNEL IN THE NEWS CYCLE - REPORTERS AND CORRESPONDENTS. Corres (as they are perjoratively known) are routinely paid Sh500 for a story, IF IT IS PUBLISHED. So imagine a corre who goes to cover a court case, which takes the whole morning and the case doesn’t take off. No story, no 500/=. AND THAT CORRE is a graduate by the way! How is that person expected to pay their fair that day, leave alone rent and his family’s needs?

And then you see the stupid slavers putting up fullpage ads ati “The Nation does not condone brow envelope journalism”!!!

Oh by the way guys, do you know the NMG that likes to say it fights for rights pays its drivers and other support staff just about 3K above the minimum wage? Yaaaani, a driver who rides like a devil from hell to deliver papers to Malindi, risking life and limb overtaking trucks without lights, is paid less than 15K by a company that routinely reports Sh2 billion in profits.

May be it BECAUSE - AND I BET YOU DON’T KNOW THIS - that the Nation is just another Muindi company. 85% owned - forget the lie that its a Kenyan company. Wahindis and their black slave drivers consider their African workers to be shit, remember?

The muindi of NMG is the Pakistani they call The Aga Khan. Anajifanyanga pilanthropist lakini ni grabber Numero Uno - after grabbing part of Central Park for Serena he wanted to grab City Park, ati to develop it for Nairobi people. Are you a Nairobi person? Try getting into the Serena - built on your land - without ching ching and see what happens to your nigga ass…


fair/fare/phea/ whatever. And all other typos. Cant edit. Manki’s site is stupidly coded…

Worked for this company too. These guys really know how to exploit their employees. The sad thing is that there are a million poor souls who are out there willing to do anything to get employed there.

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I have interacted very closely with a few fellows working or who have worked at Serena. Yenyewe it’s a total mess inside there.

ebu angusha ka hekaya moja we read bana…we keep ourselves busy

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Do you know who Janmohmed is/was? And a certain Brainch? One word: nepotism.

Up to 2012, I used to read both papers religiously every day, nowadays I hardly bother and when I do its just to skim through.

You guys must be exaggerating.

500 bob payable only if the story is published?

15k for a driver?

Wacha nikue broker-of-everything kama kuajiliwa ni hio.

On the positive side, i think their sales guys are paid well. Got friends there and they seem ok.

In what way, kindly expound.

500 is real. na ka-statement kakija pia iko income tax withheld