Who has ever done this?.
I was chatting with someone on Sunday, you may call her a kunguru, the texts were what we can call randy and raunchy, the missus had gone to the salon but when she returned she was on a foul mood, one two three , an argument ensued and she showed me the texts, I was surprised coz I had deleted the texts on time but comforted myself that maybe she accessed my phone while it was charging in the bedroom as I was in the bathroom showering.
So today, out of nowhere, there is this girl I had a fling with but deleted her number when I realized that the wife had become extra vigilant, one two chats and we resorted to the randy/raunchy sexting, this is a different chick from the Sunday one.
At about four today, the wife texts me about what I have been sexting the whole day, I lost concentration at work, we only started talking yesterday after the altercation on Sunday, she hurled imprintable insults my way and informed me that it’s over, she even told me of the various other ladies that I have been flirting with.
She just arrived home right now with a bottle of tequila half full, my wife never drinks, two glasses of wine and she is high as a kite, maybe she is putting a show. but I know I have lost her here.
I love this lady, am newly married, and it just hit me that I really was not ready for this kind of responsibility, like am only supposed to flirt with only her going forward.
I am astounded at her ingenuity but all I want is to make it work between us, I love this girl. On the other hand, I don’t know the therapy that I will go through so that I contain my roving eye coz it seems I finally got my match, my cheating days are over.