Why is CNN let him anchor news with Quest? what secret message are they trying to pass?:D:D:D. Tunawacheki sana. Larry pia aoe ama acome out at once :D:D:D
Why is CNN let him anchor news with Quest? what secret message are they trying to pass?:D:D:D. Tunawacheki sana. Larry pia aoe ama acome out at once :D:D:D
You are stupid and shallow as fuck… Jamaa huwezi nukisha kitunguu kwa amani… wewe juu uko na bibi umemshinda na nin!!
Njaruos and homosexuality ni chanda na pete so nothing to see here.
Chanda na pete.
@Randy I have always suspected you are a randy ho.mosexual.
Ndio maana huoni maana ya kuwa na bibi. No wonder you were so quick to defend Madowo and his new lover.
sasa wewe kila mtu anajua unauza kunyi… unasumbua kijiji kwa nini… uma unahara??
Njaruo Slevynson Okello Jr. I am just making a personal observation. It is a free website and every citizen can contribute freely, even you Okello.
There is no censorship or cancel culture here. Now on the issue of homosexuality and the Luo culture, homosexuality was accepted throughout Luo land and South Sudan.
Luo Fishermen would go out on their boats late in the evening. They would float all over Lake Victoria, the Blue Nile, down to Egypt and back destroying each other mercilessly.
E.g let’s look at fisherman Omondi and Jackton Okello your great grandpa. The cold Lake Victoria winds would make the two men to come closer in embrace seeking heat :
Omondi : Jackton wewe iko na mikono nyororo.
Jackton Okello Sr : Asante Sibuor. I work out regularly to keep my cholesterol count in check.
Omondi : Wacha niwashe redio ili tuskie habari.
(He switches Tony Nyadundo greatest love hits and potions for sweethearts.)
Jackton Okello Sr : Huyu Tony kijana ya Nyadundo humalisa mimi ngufu kwa magoti but do I say.
Long story short the boat will start rocking slowly then very aggressively as loud wails for mercy are heard : “Omondi wewe kwisa malisa mimi yawa! Let us hope no one ever finds us yawa! We need to keep it on the down low yawa!”
ata sijasoma… reeks small dick energy… biology tells us low testeroone inakufanya urant kama mwanamke ju ya mushroom dick
Okello kusoma nayo umesoma ni uchungu ya roho ndio umeskia. Luos and homosexuality ni hivi :
still does not change the fact that you have a small penis…
kumbe huyo msee ako kenya?
You a have a real infatuation with small penises. You can’t stop mentioning them or thinking about them.
CNN is filled with faggots and scheming liberals…
Once they join CNN they usually vunja kabati. Captain shoga you need to join CNN and be with your type.
Larry madowo has always been a homosexual takataka kama @patco
CNN should change its initials to GNN- Gays News Network