In SportsDevil, Which Channels Reliably stream Sports preferably in High Def?.
Most links are ussially down…i ussually use phoenix to watch football
Tumia moneysports.
I used to use Phoenix, Live sports link, then Live Soccer Games…Now they don’t have the live soccer games links anymore on the Live Sports Link, just the other sports e.g. NHL etc…
You cant find them because you are searching in the wrong place. Update the addon, then go to staael2014. Click on LIVE TV and then choose LIVE GAMES. It will do you much good to follow these developers on twitter to be informed of such updates.
Mi hienda kwa channel na tume Startv io uleta game
Mobdro huwa HD
Is that an addon or a channel?
It’s an addon. Quite good by the way. It was very handy na FA matches.
Niokolee link priss
Awesome! Thank you very very much for this!!! I am back! I managed to get it and I want to thank you very much for guiding me to the right place.
Vipbox never disappoints
Vipbox never disappoints
Naona umekuwa pro mtu nguyaz. Hiyo customer support iko powa…
Si ni wewe ulinichanua kwanza hio Dimsports and Atdhenet
Hehehe, napenda sana