Hii hekaya happened a few years ago, when I was caught spitting on my mjuols. I was planning to give myself a gentle wank when the door flew open and my boss poked her head in.
“What’s that smell?” she asked, as her eyes scanned the room and finally rested on my anaconda, which was slick with saliva.
Knowing she was going to report me to H.R, I continued tugging on my mjuols, whilst threatening to commit suicide. I promised the menopausal bitch that if she ever breathed a word about it to anyone, I would leap off the balcony and end my life. As I lathered my cock some more, I assured the woman that one day she would find me lying in a pool of blood.
Finally, I fired rope after rope of cum from my hosepipe. Some of it landed on my boss and she picked up some tissues and wiped herself the best she could.
What the fuc.k? Why the fuc.k would you do that in the workplace? Hang on a minute, why the heck would you invite palmella to the party? Get some cheap girls, hawa straight from high school, bora ako na ID.
I know the girl it happened to around 2011-2014. She was not your boss, she was your coworker and you were stalking her and you ambushed her, cornered her, and cummed on her dress while begging her to give you slices like a sorry piece of shit. She wuit her job without explanation from the trauma. Kama ni saa hii ungekuwa ndani ukipigwa miti na psychopaths wenzako.