Ama ni hekaya.
Watu wa Catholic Church waliencounter aliens pale komarock na hawasumbui
@hakimoto si uanzishe thread “Aliens gave the world…”
Aquaman chased the Russians away before they could find Atlantis.
Tupee uhondo ama wewe ni mtu bladifuckin sana
Leta hekaya
We are definitely not alone in the universe.
Sentient beings other than humans exist, here and now. There are probably many different varieties of those beings, but I think it is best not to mess with them unless one knows what forces he is dealing with.
Many encounters are supressed,some, really good ones.Back in the 80’s ,some school kids in Zim had a visitation on the playground, each kid was interviewed separetly and all narrated the same,complete with similar drawings. 20 years later they still recounted the same story though waliambiwa wacheze chini kupeana hekaya. “men in black” finally closed the file as a mass hysteria. there’s a video on Youtube
Well Pentagon are to release a document on June 25th hapo ndio hekaya tutapata .
Can’t wait
But itakua redacted then its back to square one ya conspiracies and raiding area 51:D
Me naona hawa wajamaa are planning for a fake alien invasion to enforce their own agenda.
Wouldn’t be surprised hapo hata kidogo
Does anyone believe in such fairytales in the 21st century?
That is super rediculous! There are lots of such videos in the Internet and they are shot in more or less same scenario. Who the hell will believe that Russians saw the aliens? Why didn’t Russians tell about this to the whole world? Why didn’t they take photos?
I mean after Gagarin travelled to space, he made a world tour and visited so many western countries and was welcomed warmly even by the most outrageous enemies of the USSR. But here is a great sensation and they decided to keep it a secret? Sounds like a real hogwash.
Brathe, Aliens is a classified subject of all govts and not just the soviets/Russians. I mean think about it… such information has the capacity to completely turn our way of life upside down and make our civilization unravel.
Closer to home, we have govts that dont want their citizens to know how the outside world lives. Look at North Korea. Their people are routinely told that they are the most prosperous, strongest nation on earth and citizens dont have access to the net. If they knew the truth, chances for revolt/revolution would be much higher.
And not just North Korea. The same thing was more or less true with Soviet Russia.
Look also at the way Europeans way of doing things destroyed other civilizations way of doing thing once these were exposed to Europeans.
My fren, no govt is going to openly announce “Look, we have found Aliens” unless they are of the microbial variety. Humanity is not ready for it and probably cant absorb such info without our way of life unravelling
Why only land in schools?